View Full Version : please please help :(

29-04-10, 18:55
I've been off citalopram for 2weeks now and feel so awful. I feel incredibly spaced out and am convinced im going to pass out or die, its so bad i spent most of yesterday and today in tears and feeling completely terrified.

This is my worst symptom, and today went to the doctors and she said i probably have depression/anxiety although i still have an appointment with a neurologist next Thursday.

She recommended i start back on the citalopram.

I really dont know what to do and am so so scared and cant seem to shake it. Everything i do i still like im going to keel over and die there and then.

If anyone can help, please please comment i am so scared.

29-04-10, 21:13
Hello Ems

Poor you - that sounds horrendous :( How slowly/quickly did you come off citalopram? I remember feeling like that when I came off of Seroxat, and I went straight back on it. Looking back, I suspect I was experiencing withdrawal effects. I know citalopram isn't as severe as Seroxat in terms of withdrawing, but it can still make you feel very peculiar.

Do you want to go back on citalopram? I assume you came off it for a reason?

Hang in there


29-04-10, 21:22
i came off it very slowly, mainly to see if the spaced out feeling was caused by the tablets. Regretting it now though! Am scared to go back on it because of the side effects i might get, i just don't understand how anxiety/depression can make you feel so so ill? -----

30-04-10, 01:01
Sorrry to hear of your pain it's sounds horrible though it's sounds what I have been going through being on 20mg for three weeks. I've been told to hang in there that the side effects will go away with in 6 weeks.

My mom is also on this AD and she tried getting of it ayear ago and went staight back into a depressive state also, crying. not sleeping ended up going back on it again and leveled off once again. Not sure what to tell you but maybe you weren't ready yet to get off them???

Sorry not much helpbut can feel you pain.
