View Full Version : Here I go again...

25-01-06, 16:36
Hi there!

How many of you find your "blip" days frustrating, to say the least?

My PMT is in full flow, causing me to have trouble sleeping, which in turn causes more anxiety, which again leads to more insomnia. Throw in an absent husband and 2 kids who bored being stuck inside during this cold spell and you have a very familiar sensation.

I know it is just a blip - like last time.

I know I just need to think positively.

I know it will pass.

But WHY am I still so b***** P*****! Or to be polite - frustrated. [Sigh...]

[?]It has all happened before - and I survived - and I'd be surprised if it doesn't happen again. But how do others keep going when they are in the middle of it again? [?]

Dusty xx

PMT - Proof that God must be a man.

25-01-06, 17:18
Know just what you mean.

I cope by taking some steps to the side for a bit and making sure I grab some 'me' time, this is not always easy with 3 kids!!!

I do some mega pampering and some cosy reading and wait till the storm passes!!!

Piglet xx

Failing that I have a Baileys :D

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

25-01-06, 18:52
Oh, i can relate to this alright! i always feel ten times worse when i'm due on, on, or just been on!!! kids can seem more trying than normal, i always feel guilty after for snapping at them. It will pass, you aren't the only one who feels like this!

Enjoy your Baileys!!

Love India xxx

25-01-06, 20:30
please explain what you mean by being in the middle again. what symptoms doo you mean.? i ask this only because i want to no if im experiencing the same things a few days b4 mine is due and trying to be all and everything to 5 children

id really appreciate you reliving what you mean if you dont mind

cheers jackie

26-01-06, 16:31
Hi Jackie

Every four weeks (and fortunately I have got a regular cycle) I am prone to the same symptoms:

A very fast temper - especially towards the children;

My sleep becomes disrupted in various ways - I either have diffculty falling asleep, or if I do sleep it can appear to be very shallow and I wake up a fair bit. Either way I am prone to waking up in the morning (that is if I'm not awake already) and immeadiately start fretting whether I have had enough sleep.

I also find myself very emotional - far more likely to cry.

And on top of all this my "niggly" feeling is at its worse at this time in the month. By "niggly" I mean worrying about what would happen if...

My favourite "if" is "if I don't get enough sleep" but naturally I can worry about anything. The "niggles" are worse the tireder I get and because my sleep is disrupted I am quite often more tired when I'm due on than at other times of the month.

These symptoms can occur any time from about a week before I'm due on to a about a week after. Then I get a few days reprieve before I started ovualating and have a minor version of the above.

Don't you love hormones? It has taken me over 15 years to recognise my cycle in such detail, and knowing the cause of my niggles can help. But as I said at the start of the topic - I still feel really frustrated when it's happening.

And of course, if another factor is added - like my hubby being away it can become even worse.

I am coming out the end of my major hormone flux at the moment. And the best thing I did this month was re-reading the advise I got at my old postings (see below) and giving myself a treat - bath with lavendar oil, candles burning, relaxing music and a mug of hot milk!

By myself (apart from the kids) (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=6232)
Alone again... (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=6494)

I hope that is enough detail, Jackie. Feel free to PM me if you have anymore questions.


Dusty xx

PMT - Proof that God must be a man.

26-01-06, 17:52
It is extremely common for anxiety and mood swings to get worse at PMT time, its when the balance of oestrogen and progesterone is totally changing and this does affect our moods swings significantly.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?