View Full Version : My bleeding phobia is no better:-((((

29-04-10, 20:52
I posted a couple of months back I think it was regarding my bleeding phobia I have had since my operation back in December. I worry ever since I had a very nasty gushing period in January, my first one after the op, and the next couple were very heavy too. I then realised I had developed a phobia, as I was checking myself between periods all the time, worrying about every sensation I felt down there thinking I was bleeding and during periods I get very anxious.

I went on the pill last month, I decided to do it to see if it eased the bleeding and helped my phobia. I was fine for 3 weeks and yes it helped me alot, I felt more confident that I wouldn't bleed between periods (not that I had before anyway). I then had my pill free week this week, my first one so I was abit worried. I bled from Saturday night, which was a light coloured red discharge, then from Sunday - Monday I had a heavier bleed which was more like thick discharge with some blood. By Tuesday it was abit lighter and yesterday I had nothing really all day. Today though I have had orange smears when ive wiped down there, and tonight it has been orangey/red. This has made me anxiety kick in again, imaginging I will bleed heavy again:-( It has made me realise my phobia hasn't gone, I had done so well this period aswell:-(

How do I get over this phobia? I am so on edge tonight, I used to bleed, then stop and then have light spots for a day or so, maybe up until day 8/9 before I was on the pill, so surely it can be the same on the pill, but my irrational side is making me worry I will have a heavy bleed or something.

I don't know why this fear won't go, it is embaressing and ruling my life at times, some days I don't even like going out incase I bleed, and when I am on my period I am too anxious to go out. I have a fear of haemorrage now (whcih I know is totally irrational) but also I am just freaked out by any bleeding down there.

Can anyone offer me some wise words or advise on how I can maybe tackle this very irrational fear that I have?

30-04-10, 19:05
Can anyone help me? the bleeding came back abit today, im on day 6 I think it is now of my pill free week and ive bled for all of those days, with the odd day of nothing much at all, but tonight its come back abit more and its scaring me-( had a couple of redish coloured small gushes earlier.

I know its just a period but im so scared:-(