View Full Version : Was this a panic attack ?

29-04-10, 20:55
I do suffer with health anxiety and quite severely at times.

Im not sure though if this incident was a panic attack or high anxiety.

I was sitting this afternoon watching tv and suddenly felt a flip over feeling in the solar plexus area.I then when quite hot and felt very anxious. In minutes tension had piled up in my shoulders and neck and I didnt know what was happening..so I got even more anxious and my legs, arms felt trembly.. Is this a panic attack or was it my anxiety level on high ?

29-04-10, 21:04
Hi i get this usually out of the blue ie dont feel like i have been anxious previously, i also suffer from health anxiety too. At the time i worry about something being wrong physically but rationally i know its related to anxiety. I always call them anxiety attacks because they dont seem to fully fit the symptoms of a panic attack. I have noticed that i get it a few days after i have been stressed about something so i wonder if its a build up of stress or a release of stress maybe?
Hope you feel better soon and try not to worry x

29-04-10, 21:21
To me it sounds like what I call a 'surge' of anxiety. It could be your body just getting rid of extra adrenaline or something, not sure.. Anyway, I hope you feel better! x