View Full Version : Hoe far have YOU come......??

29-04-10, 23:50

Hi everyone, Hope everyone is ok as can be, god i hate anxiety, it really does destroy peoples lives. I wish anxiety would just disappear, but if i think like that forever, it'll never go! Lol!

So... now for the acceptance bit... I have to accept this is happening, which so far im doing rly well at, and then accept i can and will get better, thats the hard bit.. But if i just look back 4 months ago at my life:

4 months ago: Nervous Breakdown after years of stress & post natal depression, up to 8 panic attacks a day, constant anxiety, constant awful physical symptoms.

2 months ago: REFERRED FOR CBT (been doing this for 2 months... amazing!! MEDICATION: CITALOPRAM 20mg. Really good stuff!!) Still alot of anxiety but gradually getting into a better frame of mind about anxiety.. panic attacks down to a couple a week.. :-)

Now: CBT ongoing. Starting to accept anxiety and i dont let the physical symptoms affect my life anymore, I still worry sometimes but i refuse to let them affect me like before, i would worry sooo much i wouldnt go out and thought i was dying all the time.. I rarely have an attack, cant remember my last one :-)

The aim of my post is to show how far ive come, not how much further i may have.. But i must admit, i cant wait to get rid of this horrible illness!!

So, how is everyone & how far have YOU come??

Hayley x

30-04-10, 09:14
Nov/Dec 09 - panic attacks and anx started, full blown attacks and like all thought i was dying

Dec 09 - started medication (pristiq 50mg) had every side effect you could get and thought nothing was ever going to get better, started seeing a counsellor.

Jan 10 - had my last panic attack (full blown one)

Now - feel brilliant, 85% of the time, working still with my counsellor on my thinking patterns and how to stop them before I go to far

I honestly never thought that I would feel this way again, I still have those silly thoughts from time to time but I am now able to pull myself back in line pretty quickly and don't let it amount to anything!

30-04-10, 10:31
Sept/Octlast year had major panic attacks. Put on propranolol for high blood pressure but knew it wasn't that, cos had white coat syndrome. On them for about 1 month and another tablet for high blood pressure. Felt really ill on both of those.

Nov 09 was finally seen by great Dr and put on 20mg of citalopram. First 6-8 weeks pretty bad but then gradually started to feel better.

Feb 10 Dr increased dosage to 40mg because I was still feeling quite anxious.

Now April 10 and I feel sooooo much better :-)

Do occasionally have the odd blip but nothing to how I used to feel and am really enjoying my life again. Still some way to go but am seeing a therapist now and she is great and I am gradually getting rid of these stupid thoughts in my head that I am going to die at any moment!!!

I too thought I would never feel like this again, used to scream and wail with fear but I don't have days like that any more. Hooray for citalopram :-)

Jannie x x

30-04-10, 17:12
August 2009 - Had my first panic attack after having a couple of stressful years. :scared15:

September 2009 - Panic attacks were happening almost everyday, I was convinced I had a heart problem, and afraid to be alone. :blush:

October 2009 - Started CBT for the first time.

December 2009 - Had an Echocardiogram, felt so much better, and came to the end of CBT. Still felt anxious though... and also still can't stay at home alone... :weep:

January 2010 - Started worrying about heart problems again, followed by other worries about my health. Health anxiey started to peak... :mad:

Febuary 2010 - Started CBT again once every week, but with a different therapist than before. Everything started to look a lot better. :)

March 2010 - With the help of CBT (and NO medication), I started doing things again, like going to the gym, going for walks alone and staying at home alone too. Started to believe it's all anxiety and not a medical problem.

April 2010 - Haven't had a full blown panic attack since January (even though I've come close), CBT has now been cut down to once every 2 weeks. Feeling better about the future. Can stay on my own in the house for a short period of time and also go out alone too. I'm getting there... The future looks bright. :D

margaret jones
30-04-10, 17:16
Great to read these posts i am going to write mine asap

30-04-10, 17:26
good to read these stories, gives me hope! So happy for all of you, wishing you continued success! x :)