View Full Version : Not sure what is wrong with my vision :/

29-04-10, 23:54
So I tapered off lexapro about 2 months ago. Withdrawls were difficult but now over! :D Now I have another issue. My vision. I have major floaters in my eye, I have noticed them ever since I was a kid but for a couple days I noticed them more and started to freak out. I looked online and it said that my retina may be detatched so I freaked out and saw my eye doctor. I went to the Optomitrist (spelling?) two days ago. She dialated my eyes and looked inside them. She said everything was fine. She said floaters are normal. I felt ok for that day now my vision is a little grainy or snowy is the best way I can describe it. And now Im so worried I cant even concentrate and I feel as if I am going insane with this health anxiety. Is it possible that anxiety can cause visual disturbances? I totally have the detatched feeling now and I constantly worry about my eyes. Someone please give me some info or reasurence!!

Ps. I now take l- Theamine for anxiety and seems to be working ok as oposed to xanax or somthing.

30-04-10, 00:33
hey, yeah anxiety can lead to all sorts of visual disturbances, for example, i get blurred vision sometimes, went the opticians and she said i had perfect vision. i also get floaters, mine come and go, i think if you try to stop thinking about it so much (easier said than done, i know) then it'll be better. i HATE the detatched feeling, its the worst and feels like it won't go away, hope you feel better soon xxxxx