View Full Version : Not coping well this week-Reassurance appreciated

30-04-10, 10:48
Hi everyone,
Briefly-diagnosed with HA 2007, have had CBT,Cipralex & have gradually managed to get things under control. Do come back to this site when I'm having a bad day as you guys know where I'm at. Just having a really bad week this week, was called aside by a parent at my son's school yest who said that he had been saying that he didn't like her son etc..., normal 6 year old stuff, he has apologised & that should be the end of it. Now thinking I'm a terrible parent & can feel my anxiety creeping back in. My period is also 6 days late, which I think again is anxiety (& age!) Don't want to burden on my ever supportive husband as my mother-in-law is having chemotherapy at the moment & he has enough worries.Just can feel that black cloud looming & don't seem to have the energy to blow it away this week. Any views appreciated :)

04-05-10, 04:18
Wow! Sounds stressful but you are hanging in there and you may not think you can make through much more, but honestly, you have to and time will help. Just try to take one thing at a time and when all of these thoughts crowd in your head when it comes to your anxiety, categorize them. Ask yourself, do I really need to be wasting my time thinking about that when this and that can be getting done? Take things one at a time and keep hanging in there, you will become more patient. And with your period, when I am stressed out I can be 2 weeks early or a week late, everyone's body is different and if it continues to be so dramatic though, I would probably consult a doctor. You will do fine, and I hope you are having better days!

04-05-10, 09:40
Hi PG i am sorry you aren't having a great week :(

i highly recommend you check out the book in my signature, you can read most of it online for free here. http://books.google.com/books?id=UDYWZZYne54C&printsec=frontcover&dq=mindfulness+and+acceptance+anxiety&ei=H93fS6zmCJTMkAS-lpXUCw&cd=1#v=onepage&q&f=false

good luck!