View Full Version : more scary sleep sensations...what is this?!

30-04-10, 12:03
Hi everyone

I already posted about waking up feeling like I was dying in my sleep. The same thing happened last night, only this morning I can't remember what happened I can only remember it was absolutely terrifying.

However, this morning I feel like I cant breathe through my nose very well, it isnt runny or anything just feel like its hard to breathe through it. I have also noticed this sleep thing has only been past few weeks, I have had occasionally stinging eyes, sneezing a bit, ears feel a bit blocked and sometimes itchy and at the back of my throat it feels a bit mucusy and just wondered if its possible that this feeling during the night is actually because I can't breathe right because of hayfever?

I never usually get hayfever but my dad gets it really bad and I now have an autoimmune thyroid condition which makes me more prone to allergies.

Someone suggested sleep apnea, but I am not overweight and don't snore or anything so don't think it is that.

Any advice appreciated. It is a really scary feeling in the morning knowing something happened during the night but not remembering what!

It definitely feels like even now I can't breathe through my nose right though.

Kirst xx

30-04-10, 12:10
Hey huni, My first ever Panick attack started that way, been fine all day, went to bed as usual, watched a bit of tv, only difference that day was at work i felt like i couldnt get enough breath but that was it.
anyhow i nodded off that night then suddenle woke startled & felt like id stopped breathing, i shot out of bed & my heart was pounding, i was shaking, felt sick etc, ended up ringing emergency, anyhow, long story short i had a lot of these which was when i was diagnosed with Anxiety/panic disorder.
The Breath thing i thinking i would stop breathing when i slept & die was the worst part,
Could never explain to anyone how i felt & very often never did as i was too embarrassed (Must b a guy thing) lol.
Hope u find some comfort eventually, xx:blush:

30-04-10, 12:19

Thanks for your reply. The thing is, it isn't like a panic attack because I have woken up with panic attacks in my sleep before and it doesn't feel like that. I wasn't even anxious before I went to sleep either so that's why I don't understand it.

K xx

30-04-10, 16:09
Try out an air purifier. I got one and it's awesome. I breathe a lot better at night now.

03-05-10, 00:22
Hey hun it sounds as though you are suffering with possible sleep paralysis.
I get it and its particulary common in people with anxiety.
Basically your brain wakes up before your body and you are paralysed, its awful truely terrifying, lucky for you it sounds as though your a one of the few that doesnt remember it the next day, just feel the remnants of terror left over.
Not sure if theres any cure, ive kinda learned to live with it, hope you feel better soon xx