View Full Version : Please help - going mad

30-04-10, 12:14

I’m hoping someone can help (or maybe just give me some reassurance!) I’m having such a bad day!

I posted the other day that I was getting pain behind my rib, I put this down to either a strained muscle or a cracked rib – since then, for the last couple of days I am getting shooting pains in my left leg and arm... I’m so scared that it is something really bad.

Of course I’ve googled it this morning!!

Anyone any idea of what it could be? I lost my Mum a 3 years ago to Heart Disease (she was only 48) and now I’m petrified.

I just want this constant fear to stop.


30-04-10, 14:23
Hi try not to worry im sure that it is nothing to worry about we all have aches and pains but like me the health anxiety takes over and these normal pains become very worrying.
Have you seen a dr about your anxiety? heart disease runs in my family too, i was told if my dad had heart disease and i know both my grandads have, the dr agreed for me to have my cholesterol test and also to be tested for something called hypertryglicedimia (not spelt right!) which is what they believed my dad had. They will also check your BP and then will be able to give you some reasurrances about your fears.
I find when i have pains in my arms or legs that i tense the muscles more and that makes them worse so please try and relax and see if this helps.
If your really worried then call NHS direct, they are great at giving reasurrances.
Hope you feel better soon xx