View Full Version : Been tense and anxious for a week

30-04-10, 12:25
I've been really tense and anxious for a week suffering sleep issues, depersonalization, feeling foggy all day.

I'm thinking of making an appointment at the doctors next week. Relaxing is quite hard at the moment as it's so overwhelming. I suspect failing my driving test twice has brought it on..can it trigger a nerve response like this? It started a day after that last week..and it just suddenly came on with a rush, panic, memory blip.. ? I even woke up last night with a racing mind and could not stop it..and I'm just worrying like 24/7 now..

I keep thinki/ng I'm going crazy, mad, losing mind, feel funny for no reason. Finding it hard to deal with..as when it goes away a bit i still feel a bit strange and tense head. I'm thinking of going to the doctors next week..It's barely lifted I feel a walking "nerve" and "drunk". What advice will they give and anybody else got any ideas? :shrug:

30-04-10, 12:48
Hi Phil, it sounds to me like you got very nervous about your driving test initially and then when it was all over the anxiety hit you big time. That's what always happens to me, I manage to hold it together for the big event whatever it is and then I suffer for weeks afterwards as I was so tense before hand. Just try to go with the flow and accept it won't last and hopefully it will go a bit quicker.

Fran x

30-04-10, 14:31
I think Pudding is right Phil.. I mentioned on another thread how wound up I had been about blood test results on 19th April, and still havent got my tum issues right because of the tension.

30-04-10, 18:36
I was supose to have a date tonight but I've been ignored by text too

The stress gets worse! :weep: