View Full Version : hello just need abit of advice

30-04-10, 12:47
for about 13 days ive packed up smoking went cold turkey doing good til developed the coughing fits bringng up phlem then had trouble breathing went to drs they put me on antibiotics said it was chest infection starting to feel better in mysel fand breathing but trouble is now i developed a anxiety about my breathing feel like im suffocating or being smothered and i get very out of breath with it i know its anxiety anyone knows how to stop it before goes into a panic attack as i dont want to lose control

30-04-10, 14:42
hello angieboo,

Realising your symptoms are anxiety driven is a great place to begin building on your confidence, and hopefully you will be able to knock back the panicky feelings. I do know it is easier said than done, but it can be done, and you must trust the rational side of your thought process to take charge. One thing which has helped me in the past when I have felt a wave of panic beginning to rise, is to say this can go one way or the other, the decision is mine - take control and turn your back on the negative thoughts.

It is great you have made the decision to quit smoking. I know several people who have stopped, and they also developed a cough to begin with - strange why that should be. At least your chest infection has been treated, so I am sure you will be feeling fully recovered soon.

Hope you will be feeling less anxious soon :hugs:

30-04-10, 14:49
hello angieboo,

Realising your symptoms are anxiety driven is a great place to begin building on your confidence, and hopefully you will be able to knock back the panicky feelings. I do know it is easier said than done, but it can be done, and you must trust the rational side of your thought process to take charge. One thing which has helped me in the past when I have felt a wave of panic beginning to rise, is to say this can go one way or the other, the decision is mine - take control and turn your back on the negative thoughts.

It is great you have made the decision to quit smoking. I know several people who have stopped, and they also developed a cough to begin with - strange why that should be. At least your chest infection has been treated, so I am sure you will be feeling fully recovered soon.

Hope you will be feeling less anxious soon :hugs:hiya
thankyou so much hopefully things will get better:)

30-04-10, 16:08
Well done for stopping smoking. Baggs.

30-04-10, 19:50
Hi angie
Well done for quitting. I started quitting last June, took a few tries but have been quit now for nearly 4 months. When you quit smoking your body goes through quite a lot of clearing and repairing as you can imagine. Coughing is part of it. Also did you know that cig companies actually put bronchodilators in the cigarette, just so you would be able to keep smoking their lovely product and not hack a lung up too quick! When we quit smoking the lack of this can make us feel short of breath, but this will pass soon. Anxiety can also increase, we are withdrawing from a drug. I found it really helpful in my quit to learn what happens when we quit smoking and about withdrawal. There are a few good sites www.whyquit.com (http://www.whyquit.com) and www.quitnet.com (http://www.quitnet.com) and www.quitsmokingonline.com (http://www.quitsmokingonline.com) will give you more info. Also Alan Carrs book is worth a read, can post a link for that if you want. Keep up the great work. Take care