View Full Version : New this week - Hi!

30-04-10, 15:11
Hi everyone,

My symptons are very mild, compared to some but...

I suffer from IBS, not badly, but my problem is it always accurs before an event or some time when I am out of my comfort zone. For many years my stomach would churn before parties, dinner/dances, holidays - anything out of my usual routine. First days at the start of a school term were a nightmare!
When I lost my job six years back I took early retirement (I was only 47) and every 2 weeks or so I would get this churning feeling for a couple of days. I had to almost force food down and found it very difficult socially.
I put it down to stress and whilst after a year or two although it receded, I still had it every so often and after consulting my doctor, she diagnosed IBS and advised me on diet etc.
Oddly enough since diagnosis it is a lot better, but I still suffer before holidays etc. I often have to skip breakfast in the hotel and grab something at coffee time when the feeling has receded.
I also find myself with these symptoms sometimes in the morning after waking from a vivid or upsetting dream, and it takes most of the morning for them to wear off.
Sorry to ramble on so!
Hopefully someone might share these symptons and have a few ideas - my supportive wife has suggeste hypnotherapy - has anyone else had success with that?

30-04-10, 15:15
Hi MartinG

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

Veronica H
30-04-10, 16:01
:welcome:to NMP Martin. Glad that you have found us.


30-04-10, 17:28
Hi Martin,

I know how this might sound, but what about trying colonic irrigation? I have to admit its a touch embarrassing at first but i cannot explain how much better you feel once you start to "clear out"! when its bad, anything's worth a try x

01-05-10, 09:44
Oddly enough that has occured to me on occasions.

As you say - anything is worth a try!

What annoys me is that the problem is intermittent. I'm off on holiday next week so I'm going to try Boots rescue remedy pastilles to see if they help. Start with the basics!

01-05-10, 13:10
Hi Martin

I find the Rescue Remedy drops are better than the pastilles. The pastilles take ages to suck but you can just drop 2 drops of the drops on your tongue and carry on. They are more potent aswell :)

Have a lovely holiday

Jo x

02-05-10, 10:14
Hi Martin

I find the Rescue Remedy drops are better than the pastilles. The pastilles take ages to suck but you can just drop 2 drops of the drops on your tongue and carry on. They are more potent aswell :)

Have a lovely holiday

Jo x

Thanks for the tip Jo - I'll get some before I go

03-05-10, 08:36
Hi Martin, welcome to NMP x