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View Full Version : very very mild nut allergy

30-04-10, 16:17
Hi everybody.

So i went to the doctor today and got the results of my blood allergy test. It shows i am allergic to grass pollen "mildly" which i know as I get hayfever, and also nuts "mildly". The doctor told me that the nut allergy is nothing to worry about and I do not need to avoid foods, I can carry on eating nuts as it may just be a blip on the test and the allergy is not strong. Now I am worried because my grass pollen result was about a 2 and my nuts result nearly a 6, i get hayfever really quite badly so how can my nut result not mean bad things? I don't think I have ever had a reaction from nuts but now of course I am freaking out.

Just feel really anxious about it... there are traces of nuts it everything, it's going to be a nightmare to avoid them.

30-04-10, 16:46
Hi, i think you might be allergic to different kinds of pollen, some people are allergic to grass pollen where as others its flowers or trees. This is why people get hayfever at different times of the year. im really allergic to rape seed oil plants but ok round grass seed and before i moved house i had really bad hayfever which improved when we moved and i believe it was from the trees that lined the street. So maybe your hayfever is caused by a different type of pollen thatn grass? Dont worry about avoiding nuts in products im sure you will be fine. xx

30-04-10, 16:48
thanks for replying mary. i think you may be right actually, i am allergic to birch pollen and my hayfever has already started... so i guess my grass pollen could not be bad and that means the nut one isn't that bad either. thats a very good way to look at things. thankyou!!

30-04-10, 17:02
If you are concerned you could always ask your doctor to refer you to the team that deal with allergies so that you can have a skin prick test done.
My daughter is allergic to both nuts & shellfish and this was found via the skin test, I can't remember her readings on these though sorry but it is a very simple test.
Feel free to PM if you would like anymore info x

04-05-10, 23:27
thank you for all of your advice. sometimes i feel like the doctors just look at you like you are crazy and that makes you feel silly for asking even tho it would reassure you. :(

05-05-10, 05:07
Heya :)

I have a nut allergy and I've always had it and I used to eat things that said 'may contrain traces of nuts' alllll the time without even worrying. I even used to eat hazlenuts and almonds because I thought I was only allergic to peanuts and cashews and it turns out my almond allergy was worse than the other two! Since the anxiety started I've been terrified of anaphylaxis from anything, as you already know, but I never had a single symptom before that from eating almonds alllll the time and that's a moderate allergy. I think you'll be right to eat anything that says 'may contain traces of nuts'. Remember, you can touch grass without dying :) I undertsand how hard it is, I go out of my mind some days. But as I'm getting better it's easier to see the logic a bit more :)

05-05-10, 18:26
amiee you are such an inspiration to me - i love that grass comment. so true.

06-05-10, 00:58
Aw, thank you, I'm so happy I can help out :) Thinking of grass and other things I'm allergic to that don't make me go into anaphylaxis reassures me. Like I have a severe allergy to horses, like I come up in hives and my eyes go massively red and itchy and my throat gets itchy, but not once have I had difficulty breathing :) Just think of the other things you're allergic to and that you can still come in contact with without going into anaphylaxis :)