View Full Version : Negative Test but no period! Whats going on??

30-04-10, 17:25
Hi, I am hoping that someone out there as been in a similiar situation.

We are currently trying for baby No2, my usual cycle is 28 days (always!!) Anyhow, when my period did'nt arrive on Tuesday I did two cheapy poundshop pregnancy strips, one did not work and the other was negative. I waited til yesterday and did another test (chemists own brand) still negative. I read on the net that cheap tests can be unreliable so i went and bought some clearblue digital tests and tested this morning. Still got a negative result.
So where is my period???

My mouth is sore, i have a strong metallic taste, I am passing urine every 15 to 20 minutes and although I had period pains at the begining of the week, I now have no feelings whatsoever that my period is on its way.

Could i be pregnantbut testing negative for some reason or is there something wrong with me??
I can feel that I might have to Get Dr Google out soon so please help x

30-04-10, 17:46
Hey pink. Pregnancy tests are pretty reliable so I doubt all of them would have tested negative if you were actually pregnant. I'm 5 days late for my period at the moment and I'm usually pretty on time. I'm putting it down to stress/anx at the moment cuz I'm pretty careful about contreception usually and stress/anx can make your periods late so I'm not worrying too much at this stage. If it's still not here by next week maybe do another test or book a doctors appointment. Don't get Dr Google out!!! He will make the situation 100 times worse haha. Hope this made you feel little bit better xxxx

30-04-10, 17:52
Thanks poker face, I suppose I am holding on to the hope that i could actually still be pregnant! With my first pregnancy I did one test and it showed up positive straight away so i know how reliable they can be. My periods however are NEVER late and i have a sore mouth with a metallic taste and frequently using the loo (these were symptoms I had first time round too). I just do not feel right, i hope theres nothing wrong x

30-04-10, 17:55
When pregnant with my daughter 17 years ago I got three negatives before a positive. My gp told me you can get false negative results but never a false positive one. It could be that there isnt enough pregnancy hormone in your water yet or perhaps you aren't pregnant and you being anxious is delaying your period. I was so desperate to have my daughter, luckily it only took two months of trying and then the long wait for her to pop out!
Take care,

30-04-10, 19:01
Hi carol, yes I have heard many stories of false negatives and I suppose I am hoping this is the case with me. I got caught on immediatly with my first child but it has been 4 month this time and nothing!! I am going to try and relax and wait for my period to show up x