View Full Version : Introducing Dee :)

30-04-10, 19:43
Hi everyone!

I am new to this board and I am looking forward to being able to speak out about my problems and hopefully find some resolve and support from other individuals in my position.

Since 2006, I have suffered from anorexia. In 2007 I was in a day support program to recover from this. I discharged myself after 3 months at a higher weight and generally feeling more confident however life stresses and University study caused my weight to slip again. Since then I have suffered from a mix of OCD routines, exercise addiction, anxiety and a low sense of self-worth.

I really don't know how to fight it ... I'm constantly on the go. If I see something that needs 'cleaning' or 'tidying' I do it straight away, it simply can't wait. I must finish all food in the house and I hate throwing away even the smallest scraps. I must eat at certain times. I must clean and 'shine' the sinks/taps/bath/shower every day - water marks make me feel uncomfortable.

That said I have improved my eating, and am eating more foods - but in a ritualistic manner.

I really really need some support and advice on how to break this cycle, as it is starting to take a toll on my personal life and prevents me from going out and enjoying myself, worrying about the cleanliness of the house etc.

I look forward to hearing the thoughts of all the NMP users :)

Thank you in advance, and I hope I can be of some help to you guys as well!

Dee xxx

30-04-10, 19:44
Hi Dee_1984

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

02-05-10, 22:07
hello, just thought i'd post a reply because your thread really spoke to me, i dont suffer with anorexia but i have battled with depression for many years which has manifested in trying to control my weight obsessively in the past and lots of rituals and OCD like tendancys which i cannot live without even now im on prozac, so i understand how this is affecting your life. Keep strong, Hannah xx

03-05-10, 08:44
Hi Dee, welcome :hugs: I hope we can support you :)

03-05-10, 09:32
Hi Dee,

Welcome to NMP, great site with lots of friendly advice.


03-05-10, 10:10
Hi Dee,

Lovely to welcome you to this board, I think you're the first to admit to an exercise addiction so congratulations on that. Not a bad thing in itself, and you sound remarkably cheerful. Just the sort of person we need to have around.

Great to hear you're eating ok now, and I'm sure you'll find help here for the OCD problems. CBT is well known to help and you can do it online at http://www.livinglifetothefull.com/index.php?section=page&page_seq=13 or http://www.beatingtheblues.co.uk/ both of which are NHS supported to varying extents. If you break the cycle of cleaning your own house BTW, I'm sure you'll be very welcome chez nous for more therapy :-)

Do post more, it's nice to hear someone who sounds so positive.