View Full Version : worried all the time

30-04-10, 23:29
Why is it that when you suffer with HA it always comes in big waves and hits you like a giant stone being thrown at you.

There I was just watching TV and I can feel myself getting worse by the second. Now I have the shakes, swollen glands and feeling cold with nausea. I am paranoid I have Hodgkins but the doctors say I have vaso vagel but why oh why wont my head beleive that. Each time I have these episodes it gets worse. I meant to start citapran but the doc said it would heighten the anxiety and im not sure i can cope with it any worse than it is at the moment.

Im at my wits end

Chrissie x

01-05-10, 10:01
Could you explain more about what your Dr said re vaso vagal???

The worst aspect of health anxiety is we never believe the Drs until we hve had all the tests possible which is why we stagger from one set of tests to another seeking reassurance that whichever symptom is worrying us at that time is not a sign of something fatal.

Sounds like you are having panic attacks to me but maybe that is what your Dr meant????

Whenever you are frightened you can come on here and someone will always talk to you and help you.

I don't know if this is going to help or hinder you but a friends husband had hodgkins lymphoma and his only symptom was a massive swollen lymph node- happy to say he had treatment 20 yrs ago and is still going strong!