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existential crisis
26-01-06, 12:58
I'm really getting annoyed now! In recovery, as you might have read before but still have this reeeeeeeeally horrid feeling in the middle of my chest - like a sinking feeling, like you get when you have been hurt by something. It's really irritating! I'm doing SO well - I'm going back to uni, I'm going out alone, I'm seeing my friends again and I have a positivity that I have never had before. My CBT is going amazingly and it's revolutionised my attitudes towards depression and anxiety but I can't shake this Goddamned feeling! I have the positive attitude, I'm pushing my way through every effing fear I have, I'm doing everything bloody right! So how come I constantly feel that expectant feeling, like something has taken your breath away? I think the sinking feeling is some residual depression - I just feel so annoyed with it all and so impatient now. Like when the f**k am I going to feel 100%?! I constantly have this slight edginess which is pissing me right off because the end is really in sight for me - I can actually see the end of all this crap and whats more important is that I actually BELIEVE this is the beginning of the end and that I can cope with all of this. But the niggly feeling remains - it's like my bloody brain and my attitude are 2 different things going in 2 seperate ways! My attitude is great, whilst my brain keeps looking for things to be anxious and depressed about! Grrrr! Sorry about that rant - mind you, I feel much better now for it. Thanks for listening! :)

*I think, therefore I am.*

26-01-06, 13:31
sooooooo glad you are doing so well, whats your secret to not fearing the terrible symptoms of anxiety, i cant seem to get past this stage of accepting and getting on regardless.

however i do no that from reading claire weekes books that letting more time pass is essential. and that above all else do not be fooled into being tensed by lingering symptoms, just let more time pass without fear of them.

she mentions a man who said he felt much better but that the sinking feeling in his stomach would not go away, and she replied by asking him how was he feeling better but still letting more things annoy him still looking inward at his symptoms that he claimed he was no longer afraid off. this was not the way. the way to recovery is in not mattering whether the sypmtoms last longer than you would like abut to letting more time pass until they do, without the fear.

if only i could practice what i preach i would recover and that is what you seem to be doing except for this one thing.

well done i hope your great life continues, it certainly will if your positive attitude does


26-01-06, 18:57
Just keep doing what you are doing because at least in my experience doing the cbt exercises has an accumulated effect so the longer you do them the better you feel and more troublesome thoughts and feelings begin to fall by the wayside. Be poatient with your progress and you will likely keep progressing :) I still do the tea form exercise everyday.

26-01-06, 20:17

I know exactly where you're coming from.

It is so flipping frustrating.

We think we're getting there. We think we are back to normal -whatever normal is?! We are doing more than we have for a long time. We are starting to take on new things.

So why do we have to have these blips?

I personally could scream with frustration at the end of a long day with PMT and an errant hubby. "I was getting there - what's going on? How can I stop this?"

I am getting there and you are so right about positive attitude.


Dusty xx

PS - At last - someone who knows what a niggly feeling is!!!;)[Yeah!]

PMT - Proof that God must be a man.

26-01-06, 20:18
PPS - What is CBT? And tea form exercises?

Dusty xx

PMT - Proof that God must be a man.

existential crisis
27-01-06, 09:50
Thanks for your replies guys!

Jackie - Where can I get that book from? Sounds good.

Dusty - I HATE NIGGLES TOOOOO GODDAMN THEM! I know what you mean about the PMT too. :D Oh and CBT is Cognitive Behaviour Therapy - the most amazing thing ever if you do it right.

And God knows what tea-form is? Can you enlighten us SB?

Clare. xxx

*I think, therefore I am.*

30-01-06, 17:17
www.nomorepanic.co.uk therapy page.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

01-02-06, 01:44
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">PPS - What is CBT? And tea form exercises?

Dusty xx

PMT - Proof that God must be a man.

<div align="right">Originally posted by Dusty - 26 January 2006 : 20:18:58</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

CBT = Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. The tea form is the main exercise in cbt where you write down your Thoughts then identify your thing Errors in the thought and then Analyze them with more objective reasoning. They really work wonders for me.