View Full Version : Do u just have one main fear? Like mine is cancer

01-05-10, 03:06
I was wondering if most of you fear many things or just obsess over one thing. My big thing is cancer, esp soft tissue cancer. I am deathly terrified of this.

01-05-10, 04:43
Mine is cancer too, mainly female cancers like breast and ovarian.

Cell block H fan
01-05-10, 19:18
Yes, mine is cancer too. I never worry about heart attacks, I never worry about colds, nor strokes, or even brittle bone stuff which runs in the family, or things like ME. It's always cancer. I think that is related to 17/18 years ago when my HA was triggered off by father in law dying of it. xx

01-05-10, 19:21
I never worry about Cancer, my main worry is my heart or Blood Clots.

margaret jones
01-05-10, 20:03
Heart attack is my main worry especially a sudden one that wipes me out

01-05-10, 20:07
If I thought about things too much, I'd probably be frightened of everything. I try to control my thoughts but, just cannot succeed on the heart because the palps keep reminding me

01-05-10, 21:23
No, mine changes. For the last couple of months it's been neurological diseases, because of my current 'symptoms'. Usually it's cancer though. :shrug:

01-05-10, 21:52
It's cancer for me as well. With the many cancer I thought I had, I would be considered a Walking Cancer cell.

Even thought I'm always told that It's very unlikely by my father, my doctor, and people who have had cancer themselves, I'm still frightened about it, due to TV adverts and of course Google.

02-05-10, 13:27
mine too is cancer mainly womens and bowel i lost both my mum and dad to cancer my dad was 54 and my mum 18 months ago at 68 yrs my dad had lung cancer my mum died with cancer which had spread but the primary was never found so i have a real phobia ever since my dad died 20 yrs ago

sarah jayne
02-05-10, 14:08
mine seems to change from one thing to another, at the moment its cancer but earlier in the week it was my heart as i kept getting chest pains....

02-05-10, 16:13
my fear is my heart+blocked artries,if i get numb fingers or tingling any where i worry its blocked artries,if i get a pain anywhere near my heart or get palps,i think im having a heart attack, so any programs on t v or i hear of anyone dying of 1 or the 2 it freaks me out big time, makes my anxiety go sky high,im terrified of the the 2.