View Full Version : Nasel congestion - advice please ASAP!

01-05-10, 05:49
Hey I have really bad nasel congestion in one of my nostrils to the extent I can hardly breath through it and I'm freaking out it's a tumour. Is this a symptom of a tumour? Why is it so blocked? I have had it quite a while but just suddenly freaking out about it. Any advice? What could it be?

Please reply ASAP

love Louise XxXx

01-05-10, 06:21
Nope this could be absolutely anything. I didn't learn that I had a deviated septum until this year and I'm 29. You probably just have some sort of acute congestion. Try a neti pot, they work wonders.

margaret jones
01-05-10, 16:26
Inhalation treatment works for me Menthol crystals or olibas oil

Give it a try Maggiexx

01-05-10, 20:42
Ive had nasal congestion for many years.Its usually worse in the Autumn/Winter months.I use Olbas oil which helps a lot.

02-05-10, 11:09
beconase works well for me

02-05-10, 12:05
Don't jump to the most unlikely, most severe, most frightening possible cause for a blocked nose. Instead, think of the most likely causes - hay fever, some dust up your nose, a cold coming on, recent crying ?...even anxiety itself causes blocked noses through over breathing.

gina p
02-05-10, 22:34
get some olbas oil . Prob just nasal congestion . I.ve had it for ages . xx