View Full Version : Hi. I am glad I found you all :)

01-05-10, 08:40
Hello everyone :)

Just a little about me, hope I dont bore you!

My name is Joanne and I am 41. I have suffered Panic Attacks and GAD since I was 15. I do have months where I am OK and then I have a dip for some reason and it then takes me a while to get back up there again.
Everytime I have a dip, the feelings are exactly the same, you would have thought I would have got used to them by now, but no, they are always as bad.

I get the usual symptoms, ie sweating, shaking, dry mouth, tight chest, dizzyness, weakness, nausea and sometimes vomitting and feelings of detachment ie I dont feel like I am in the present. But the symptoms I dread the most are the waves of impending doom, they scare me sooooo much! With these feelings I also get a white hot heat starting at my toes and it sweeps through my body and I feel it going out of my head! Its terrifying.

I have been taking 30mg of Citalopram a day plus 75mg Pregabalin for 5 years now. They do take the edge off, but as you can see, they dont stop the PA completely.
Before Citalopram I took Seroxat! OMG! what a FAB drug! I was 100% better on this, but when I moved house and had a new Dr, he took me off it and put me on Citalopram. I got bad withdrawal from Seroxat but it worked sooo much better for me than Citalopram.

I have seen many therapists, but I saw one last year and she was FAB. She has helped me change the way I think, from negative thoughts to positive ones, and it really does help me get through my PA. It can also stop one in its track if I catch it early enough. If anyone lives in the Northampton area, I can give you her details.

Anyway, as you have probably guessed, I am having a bad time at the moment which is why I am here. I dont like change or upset and I am having problems with hubby at the moment which is making my PA worse. Hubby is not supportive at all and when I have a PA he gets the hump, tuts and ignores me!! Anyway, thats a matter for another website I think :)

Well, thank you for listening to my story. I am hoping that along with getting help from you all, I can also help you in some way aswell.

Big Hugs to you all

01-05-10, 08:42
Hi josyjojo

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

01-05-10, 08:54
Hi, me again.

Cant believe I forgot the one symptom that has bought me here...

I have started get funny Heart Flutters aswell this time. They only last for about 3 seconds, but some are in my throat, some my chest and some the top of my stomach.

Anyone else get these??


01-05-10, 09:09
Hi Jo

welcome aboard .. yes to the all above symptoms by the way apart from the vomiting! thank goodness.

I'm sure that you will find lots of advice here and meet some friends along the way.


01-05-10, 14:07
Hi Jo,

Welocme to NMP....I also have suffered from the flutterings you describe and ended up at a&e on Christmas Day due to them, had ecg's and it turned out it is all linked to anxiety and now I hardly get them (touch wood), so you are not alone in all of this and it does get better.

Take care hun
Another Jo.xx