View Full Version : Being woken up suddenly affecting anxiety?

01-05-10, 10:09
I've found recently if I am woken up with a start - with an alarm, doorbell, etc, that I feel quite anxious straight away, and uneasy. My whole body sort of reacts.

I've noticed a correlation between my IBS and waking up suddenly - it shocks the system I think and can kick start it.

Wondered if anyone else has experienced this?

01-05-10, 10:23
Yes. It's called the Startle Syndrome (as Claire Weekes describes) It is expected with anxiety sufferers and you'll probably find that most if not all of us go through this alot of the time. I had it this morning when my daughter woke me up.........i jolted awake and looked at her and my heart was racing, i also worried more because i couldn't for the life of me remember what day of the week it was!!