View Full Version : seizure

01-05-10, 13:09
Hi all.

Been really good for a while. Not sure if Zoloft (150mg) has helped, or i've just kept myself occupied.

However, i've fallen back in the hole. After a long week, I experienced a sudden, strange feeling after viewing a flashing banner ad. I had to look away and felt nauseous, dizzy and faint in what felt an instant. Since then my head has felt heavy, and I've been extremely tired and 'out of it'. Some of which likely contributed to me using so much energy worrying about this experience, and what it may or may not be.

Wondering if this is some sort of seizure such as epilepsy, or can a mini panic attack come on this way?

Thanks everyone in advance.

01-05-10, 14:43
it was the meds maybe? if you were aware of it + can recall it, it probably wasnt a seizure. I was worried I was having them and I went to the epilepsy website and read about all the diff kinds of seizures and it really helped me becuase I realsied whatever I was having, it was NOT seizures!

01-05-10, 17:51
You can have low level seizures without having epilepsy. Some believe this is what "brain zaps" are. They can be caused by medication, infection, etc. It's just a small electrical storm in your brain. It probably happens to everyone at some point in their lives. It can even be caused by being tired, stressed, etc.

02-05-10, 00:26
Thank you for the replies so far. I've already booked a DR visit for Wednesday (which was due anyway).

It just sneaks up on you at times and totally throws you. Hard to think that I was so good the week before.