View Full Version : hello

26-01-06, 14:08
I hope I'm not intruding as I am looking for help/advice for my 14yr old son. Bless him he has suffered alot of problems for some years but I've only recently realised how badly this is affecting his life. He suffers from awful worries and panicky feelings and o.c.d. and has bahavourial problems at times due to this. I'm finding it hard to get him help as clinic takes 'so' long to do anything and school seems to make things 10 times worse. He is such a loving and sensitive child it seems so unfair that people dont understand him. Any advice/direction would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks Heather

26-01-06, 14:25
i just want to say hi and welcome to the forum...of coarse you are not intruding...
sorry your son is having a rough time of it ...you will find lots of advice and help here...
there are other threads on here by parents looking for help for thier child... if you have a good look around im sure you will find something also others will be along to post soon and can probably point you in the right direction
take care

26-01-06, 14:39
hi hope you find what you are looking for here.

your son will get alot of comfort out of the fact that others suffer like him, in the section on general anxiety, or panic attacks(im not sure which one) there is a girl called jill looking for help with her 12 year old daughter hannah. im sure help and support from eachother would help the four of you .

there are many people like your son but i find it hard as a mother of five and a sufferer of anxiety to think of kids going through this thing. but to no that you are all not alone is essential and you are not. you will get great comfort from the peiople here as have i. we are all here and if you need some further support feel free to send me a private message

i wish you and your son success in knowing that this is an awful thing but as many people here have proven, totally overcomeable(made up word)


26-01-06, 14:58
Hi and welcome to the forum, you will get lots of support and advice here!:D

Take Care



26-01-06, 16:23
Hiya and welcome to the forum.

My panic attacks and anxiety started at the age of 14 so if he has msn he can add me and I can help him out with some tips and someone to talk to. If he hasn't got msn then he can email me (email and msn: jade_creighton@hotmail.co.uk)

Scooties Back

26-01-06, 17:35
Hi Heather and welcome to the site

There is lots of work you can do with him yourself.

Do get Claire weekes book and he can pick out the bits that apply most to him so you can understand him better

On the home pages there is a page on therapy. Have a read of that and the NICE guidelines on there so you can go to the Gp armed with credible information.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

26-01-06, 18:21
Welcome aboard!! :D

"If life were simple, word would have got around"

26-01-06, 18:45
Hi Heather

Welcome aboard and of course you are not intruding. It is lovely that you care to find him some help.

Maybe start at the main website - www.nomorepanic.co.uk and see if there is anything on there that you can relate to or print off for him to read.

Hope you get some great support here.


26-01-06, 23:37
Hi Heather, welcome to you and your son, I am sure you will feel loads better after reading the replies you have received, there are quite a few young people on here or as Scoot says, people such as herself who started young,
We are al here for each other, take care and all the best in getting the help for your son he deserves, take care, xxxx

Most of lifes battles are won, by looking beyond the clouds to the sun:
and having the patience to wait for the day,when the sun comes out and the clouds go away.

love from Alexisxx