View Full Version : Nerve disorders

01-05-10, 14:56
Over the last month I've started getting more twitches, tingles and 'tremors' than usual. All in different places. One day, my right eye went ballistic twitching to the point where the top lid was closing completely and re-opening in slow motion. I've noticed what feels like a vibration or buzzing sensation in my left foot, pelvic area and right hand. They all come and go. I've also had tingling in my leg and face a couple of times and quite a few sudden 'jerking' movements of various limbs. Sometimes it feels like my whole body is 'buzzing' inside.

So, now I'm scared I must have some nerve disorder. Motor Neurone Disease, Parkinsons, vCJD (I know a girl who died of that one) or MS! They're all worrying me. I'm trying to tell myself it's anxiety and that I'm just really tuned into every little thing my body does, but the doubts are creeping in again. :unsure:

Another thing - I've never actually told my doctor that I have health anxiety (I'm sure my records speak for themselves though). It just worries me that if I admit it to them, then I'm less likely to be taken seriously when I go to them about my 'symptoms'. Kind of a boy-who-cried-wolf thing. What if one day I have something serious and they just dismiss it as anxiety, because that's my thing?!

01-05-10, 15:22

I've also been having lots of strange symptoms of late: twiches, pains, pressures, numbness, burning. Been to see a neurologist and was told it's not neurological. Saw an interesting thing online today about 'trigger points', which suggests that many of these symptoms can come from tiny 'knots' in the many muscles that the body has.

01-05-10, 15:23
PS: I also get that feeling where the whole body i 'buzzing' inside. I also get it whereby my whole body trembles gently (normally upon waking). Very odd but it normally passes quite quickly.

01-05-10, 17:57

I've also been having lots of strange symptoms of late: twiches, pains, pressures, numbness, burning. Been to see a neurologist and was told it's not neurological. Saw an interesting thing online today about 'trigger points', which suggests that many of these symptoms can come from tiny 'knots' in the many muscles that the body has.

If curious about this, see a massage therapist who is experienced in myofascial release. It'll take care of that problem.

01-05-10, 20:32
I've been having this a lot too, I did read (stupidly, as reading on the intenet is my enemy but in this case it was actually reassuring for once) that if the twitches / spasms are in lots of different places then it is less likely to be neurological. I understand your fears, these are some of my big ones too and I have a friend who is my age and has ALS, it's terrifying but these are common symptoms with anxiety so that is by far the most likley cause. :hugs:

01-05-10, 20:40
Ten 10 years ago I developed a head tremor.I was terrified of MS or Parkinsons..Lots of other symptoms occured over the following weeks. Muscle twitches, tingling .I was diagnosed with anxiety, and soon after the symptoms subsided and finally all went away.