View Full Version : baby steps work wonders

01-05-10, 15:59
hey, so i haven't posted in a long while... because i've been getting better!
i suffer from panic disorder with agoraphobia.
i was in a pretty deep hole from january-march. I couldn't go out at all, haven't rode in a car, even answering phone calls or having people over was pretty daunting.
In any case, I thought I'd share how I've been getting better.
First of all, during the black hole days, all I did was spend my time completely researching and reading books on panic attacks and how to get better. This help give me tools and filled my mind with good stuff so now I'll know what I need to think about subconciously if a panic attack comes.
i recommend
Panic Away
Cognitive Thinking
The Power of Now Book by Ekhart Tolle
and any other book on panic attacks, they all have good advice. just choose one. don't worry about choosing the "right" one.

also, after much research and consideration, i started taking lexapro, (5mg) it's an SSRI and ever since I've taken it (the last 1-2 months) I've felt good as new. I haven't felt unnecessary anxiety. I haven't woken up checking in on my anxiety levels. I've felt like my old self, with just a feeling that i need to re-introduce myself to society. I just feel like I have to get used to everything again (there is no magic pill that makes you feel better instantly, just understand that you have to remind yourself on how to feel good again)

next, I made it a point to at least go out every day, even if it was a short walk around the block at midnight when no one was around. just any type of small baby steps or doing something challenging yet comfortable.
once you've gained a little confidence with that, take it up a notch and do something more challenging, like walking a bit further, having a friend over, going on a bike ride, walking to the corner store with your safe person, then do those same things alone, and then just expand your safe zone, etc. do it, and don't leave. the point is is to gain confidence by doing these things. even if you start to feel a panic attack coming, just stop, think about it first before retreating. if you have to retreat, that's okay. just don't get mad at yourself or frustrated. it will happen again. you just need to try again. no worries with set backs. it is very very important not to get mad or frustrated or guilty with yourself.
(another good note is that if you do have a panic attack and leave and then feel fine... think about re-entering that situation in about 10 minutes. This will help retrain your brain to show that this situation is non-threatening) you have about a 10 minute window to do this very beneficial exercise.
check out this study about the blue square theory and the fight/flight response http://panicanddepression.blogspot.com/2009/12/fighting-phobia-formation-by-blocking.html

also, i started talking with a therapist. i feel like she was right for me as she had personally suffered from the exact same thing I have and that is her specialty. We talk once a week and set small goals for the week. It helps to keep me on track and to make sure I actually am moving forward.

Then just really continue with the baby steps. Expand everything little by little. And especially when you start doing things on your own, it will give you this very empowered feeling of self confidence. you'll feel like you can do anything. It's like Poof! wow, now I know I can do this!

for ex: one week, (after doing this with my safe person) my hurdle was going to the store by myself and buying one item. and I did it. and the next day, I went back with no worries at all. and have since been able to go back with no panic whatsoever.

Anyways, now 2 months after doing all this, I've been doing really really well. I know its baby steps, but hey, it works.
Please don't sit at home and do nothing. You need to progress. So start taking action. Stop obsessing if something's wrong with you. Just start focusing on what you can do about it.
well, hopefully this helps somebody. let me know if it works for you.

Going home
01-05-10, 19:22
What a good post. The longest journey starts with a tiny step and the steps get bigger and bigger until eventually you return to the person you once were. The human spirit burns so much brighter than we can ever imagine.

Don't suffer in silence...talk to someone.

Anna xxx :flowers:

eternally optimistic
02-05-10, 17:23
Brilliant advice, I like it.

I recently went to my Doc' to get a prescription and it was a doctor I hadnt see before. He was German and quoted something from a German poet and he was sooo interested in my "plight" - LOL.

He was kind and really said what you have said, little steps and no big hurdles.

I also got a book from the library about recovery and it has given me the urge to set some goals, things I try and avoid and I am going to make a journal of my efforts. Hope I get past target 1..

Thanks again for the great post and hope you continue to get better with your achievements.

All the best.

09-05-10, 15:35
What a lovely positive post!!! Really will motivate people and give them that encouragement that is often needed for us sufferers!!

Thanks for sharing and Good luck on your journey.

Take care.