View Full Version : panic attack!!!!!

minnie h
01-05-10, 16:38
does this sound like a panic attack???? i felt like i cudnt breathe prply then all ov a sudden my heart started beatin fast n really hard so i ran out my front door n to my mums who just lives round the corner but i cud only takr 3 or 4 steps at a time coz it felt like i was guna pass out frm not breathin then my legs felt like jelly n my throat n mouth went so dry n i cun beleieve am gunna put this but my bottom was sweating alot hahah? when i got to my mums i calmed down then i felt like bursting into tears n still gettin the kinda hard to breathe feelin now n then!!! im scared does it sound like a panic attack???

hanna xxxxx

01-05-10, 16:52
sounds exactly like a panic attack. The build up of symptoms then the release of crying / breathing problems.

minnie h
01-05-10, 17:19
n i keep getin this dreded feelin that its guna happen again,iz that suppozd happen? X

01-05-10, 17:24
yes, that's the annoying thing. you tend to fear them happening again, which is what normally makes them happen again. vicious circle i'm afraid. :( but you can learn to live with them and control them

01-05-10, 17:38
Sounds exactly like a panic attack, blooming terrifying. I remember my first exactly like that and I had to get home from work in London on a train, I seriously thought I was going to die on the train. The symptoms you list are exactly what I felt and then the waiting for the next one is horrible!! I am now on citalopram and I feel sooooo much better :-) I had to have my son come back home to live with me because I felt so terribly ill and frightened all the time. I used to cry and wail to my son and then afterwards I felt so tired. I am so much better now with the help of citalopram and hypnotherapy/relaxation. Haven't had a full blown panic attack for a few months (touch wood)!!!

I wish you all the very best.

Jannie x x

01-05-10, 17:55
Yup, pretty classic symptoms there.

01-05-10, 18:16

sadly it does sound like a panic attack, it is scary when it happens.. but try your best not to think and worry too much or it will bring it on again..i've only had the one thankfully though I now recognise the initial feelings and really do my best to try and sit through it .. if I need to get up and move then I do and if I can't I don't... hugs x

minnie h
01-05-10, 22:02
thanks guys : ) i h8 them so much ther friggin awful rnt they,my kids must freak out seeing me go thru it.iv evan made them promise not 2 4get about me if i die during 1 attack.wich iz really bad but i woz sure sumat woz guna happen 2 me : (