View Full Version : Change from the usual...

26-01-06, 14:26
As you may have read from my last threads, I have been on Citalopram for 7 weeks now and I've made some progress. I suffer from Anxiety and Panic Attacks around food and eating.

I've noticed this week in work that my usual anxiety symptoms have changed. Usually after eating in work I will get a tense stomach, be full of wind and feel very panicy. This week however it's changed completely. After eating all the symptoms are in my chest. It feels sort of tight and I get heart palps. There's also like a cool burning sensation in the centre of my chest and my stomach which might just be a touch of heartburn and acid indigestion. I'm also getting the lump in the throat alot.

This has lasted all week on and off. It's much less uncomfortable than my usual and I'm able to function perfectly well and my appetite appears unaffected. Once I get home this usually subsides.

Is this a normal pattern while taking these meds? If so I'm glad....although it's not perfect, I'm able to lead a much more productive work life at the moment! It was debilitating before...

26-01-06, 19:13
Sounds like it could be acid indigestion - I get that a lot too.

Try to eat small meals regularly and see if that helps somewhat.

The throat thing is a pain so I can sympathise with that.


27-01-06, 15:46
Hi, I've been on Citalapram for a few months now and not noticed the symptom you describe, it does sound more like acid indigestion to me too. Gaviscon is a life saver for me!