View Full Version : from bad to worse.... please help

01-05-10, 17:36

Im 21 and in my final year of university, I started suffering from panic attacks in my first year of 6th form. I hadnt really had panic attack in months and then suddenly i cant stop having them. It started over easter when i was working on my dissertation - three weeks before the deadline and was doing the finishing touches. these should have taken me a day... in the end they took me the whole three weeks with panic attacks every other day. I know it is all stress related but it is really starting to affect me. In the monrings I am fine, eat breakfast have a cuppa and get on with my day (as im now revising for my final exams, i know its not going to stop completely), i also have lunch and im still fine but thats as far as my appetite now goes.

When i begin to have a panic attack i get an uncontrolable urge to go to the loo (number 2), and inevitably i end up with an upset stomach. Because of how regularly this has happened in the last few weeks, i now barely eat in the evenings and if i do its a couple of slices of toast.

Sometimes i do have a healthy appetite and its fine, but now i'm scared that I've transferred my panicking about work to eating food. And I really don't know what to do anymore.

Help :(

01-05-10, 18:07
I'm new to this site, so not terribly well qualified to answer your question! But I do teach at a university and see loads of students getting really badly stressed, especially in the final year. Go and seek some help, see the doctor and there should be some student support facility too that might help you find ways of calming down during the difficult period of exams. Believe me, you're not alone and loads of people feel like you. I teach, and I still get like it before a new class or at conferences - a recent interview nearly killed me and I felt ill for days afterwards. The best thing I find is to talk to someone and you will realise that we all feel like it to some extent. Don't suffer on your own because it makes it worse.

Hope you feel better soon!


01-05-10, 18:26
I was in my final year of my undergrad when this all happened to me too. I'm am currently on medical leave. I'm sure stress has everything to do with it.

01-05-10, 18:32
I am currently dealing with no appetite and gagging/dry heaves. I'm afraid to eat anything and have lost a lot of weight (20 pounds) - I know this is all due to my panic disorder. I had panic about 30 years ago, and the same thing happened back then. So, I do understand how you can be scared with transferring this over onto focusing about food. I think you will be fine though as your stress level comes down. I'm hoping I will eventually be able to gain some weigh back, or at least stop losing it.

01-05-10, 20:12
That happens to me too its all part of anxiety and stress from exams you WILL get better and is treatable and i find this website helpful , try not to fear your symtoms think "if they come , they come" nothing really bad could happen its just uncomfortable. If you dont fear it , it wont bother you a much and acceptance is the main cure for anxiety but it doesnt work overnight but it helps x