View Full Version : kidney worrys now help

01-05-10, 17:48
hello again

i often get a sharp pain in my kidney area, get the pain both side's( i had it for over 3 years now but i often put down to being fat, drinking to much cola, or the fact i was born with my kidney's wrong way round)

but i am getting worry. as i have had it for the last 2 day's, it never often lasted this long. but i had urine worry's, and and groin pain. right now i would rated my anxiety as high for the last few week's.

any help please as i dont want to google:lac:

01-05-10, 18:56
How long does the pain last, is it constant ? It is possible that you have some sort of urinary tract infection - what are the other symptoms you have ? If it is just a sudden really intense pain in the kidney area that last a minute or so and then disappears, then I can say I've had that all my life. I can recall it starting in primary school and it still happens now some 30 plus years later ! It is not often, maybe once a month or so, but when it happens it is agony and then just goes again.

01-05-10, 19:09
no constant and would not say it last's long at all no more then 60 seconds
some times its when i move to my right
i keep thinking its kidney stone's the big c or that my kidney going to stop working :weep:

02-05-10, 01:55
just the passing urine and groin pain that all my symptom's
the pain only come's some times when i move

it is freaking me out it going to kill me :weep:

02-05-10, 09:25
If you have pain when passing urine then you need to see your GP to get that checked. You could need nothing more than a quick dose of anti-biotics.

02-05-10, 13:39
no pain when i passing urine just getting started