View Full Version : Weird sensation

01-05-10, 18:58
Ive posted about this before , but its still scaring me i suffer occasionally from migraines i just have the visual disturbance but no pain.
At the moment ive been noticing especially when standing up i get a pulsing sensation in my head for about a minute , its been happening today and anm currently having a migrauine , but im terrified this could be a brain tumour causing this pulsing sensation .
Im scared to google and have seen the doctor who done basic tests in his surgery and wasnt concerned, its just this sensation thts worrying me does anyone have an idea what it could be ....help !!!!

01-05-10, 19:20
I don't know what it is but all I can say is I have had it on and off for about 10 yrs that I can remember - i might get it everytime I stand up for up to a week then it goes away and can go away for months at a time.

Maybe somoene else can explain it- all I can say is I def don't have a brain tumour as had a mri scan less than a year ago and have had this for a very long time.

01-05-10, 19:24
Thanks for tht reply i fing migraines scarey anyway, and now its left me feeling really off balance and dizzy now, but its good to know im not alone in the pulsing sensation , funnily enough it went away for a good few months and has decided to come back again x