View Full Version : been to the hospital

minnie h
02-05-10, 12:12
iv been to the hospital this morning coz i woz so worried about this hard to breathe feeling frm my tummy ,my mum checkd me over as she works at the hospital she did my oxygen level which was 96 she did my blood pressure witch was really good n she listend to my heart she sed that was fine 2,then she got sumbody else to do the same tests on me coz i thort she might ov sed the tests were fine even if there wasnt( u no what mums r like lol )....so everything was normal n i feel abit calmer but still got bit ov breathless feelin so i think it might be wind az i av been burping loads this morning.....but.....wind cnt make u slightly breathless can it it feels like iv got a band round the top ov my belly n round my back n iv had this for 4 days..wot is wrong with me?????

hope everyone isfeeling gud 2day!!!!!

hanna xxxxx

02-05-10, 12:24
hi hanna ive got this really bad atm not sleeping with it it is anxiety unfort , but i know its hard to belive it is feelings im getting in my chest are unreal atm take care

minnie h
02-05-10, 12:35
its awful isnt it?? really dont like this feelin at all
hanna xxxx

02-05-10, 12:54
hello it is really scary i was so scared all night last night missed beats etc it is horrid but we must keep telling ourselfs its anxiety

05-05-10, 19:25
Hi Hanna

I definitely think it sounds like acid reflux, i had this rubber band feeling - tight around the top of my belly/ribcage, see if when you have a rennie or two if it settles. I also used to use a hot water bottom which used to give me some comfort....

Hope you are not feeling too bad today :) xx

05-05-10, 19:25
bottle not bottom!! maybe that will make you smile!! xx