View Full Version : Headache

02-05-10, 14:07
Hey I have had a headache since last night and I'm freaking out it's a brain tumour again. I took tablets but they havnt helped. I can't stand this anymore. Any advice?

Please reply
love louise xxx

02-05-10, 14:34
try to stay calm ,, IT SOUNDS LIKE TESION HEADACHE,,if you relax a little it should abate..2 other reasons 1,it could be your hungry/ 2 are your bowels ok sometimes when we cant go it can give us bad head..even over tierd eyes can do it too..hope this helps

02-05-10, 15:01

I had this once, had headache for a few days that kept coming and going. thought it was a tumour too. Not the case!

In fact, most headaches are due to dehydration or tension. Do you drink enough water? try drinking lots of water.

sarah jayne
02-05-10, 16:00
I had a constant headache for over 7 months, i was worried sick and thinking the worst. I am sure that it was anxiety cause as i started to accept it and be less worried it gradually went away. I still get one now and again in fact i had one this morning but its just another awful symptom of anxiety...
Sarah x

02-05-10, 16:27
You can buy something called 4Head, looks a bit like a roll-on deodorant, which you apply to your forehead (funnily enough). I find it better than pills for a persistent headache.

sarah jayne
02-05-10, 17:07
ive tried 4head theres also tiger balm which i find really helps, i rub it into my temples.

03-05-10, 12:00
:) Hey huni, HONESTLY, last week i started with a bad head, come thursday it was still there and had been constant for 4 days, as usual i thought the worst & was so tempted go back the docs but didnt.
I got some "Tiger Balm" rubbed it on my forhead, temples & back of neck & by the next day it had gone!
I was told its VERY common for a tension type headache to last up to 7 days tho this didnt stop me from fearing the worst, lol.
The more you worry yaself about it the longer it will stay with you,
Give yourself a head massage too, this hepled me a lot & once i started to think rationally That all it was is a tension headache i started to feel better.
Not even tablets really took mine off but tiger balm did help it.
Ull see in a few days it will go & if it doesnt just go see your doctor, they get paid good money for sorting us out!
Good luck! x