View Full Version : oh no not again please:-(

02-05-10, 15:37
hi everyone, i havnt posted on here for ages as i have been doing really well, a few days ago i noticed i had a popping sensation in my left ear sort of like when you swallow but it was doing it on its own, i took no notice of it until today when i have got myself so worked up and now am convinced its something neurological going on, some of you may know that im petrified of ms due to different symptoms that have come and gone over the past 12 months mainly muscle twitching and jolting as falling asleep, stupidly i have just googled expecting to find out its just something of nothing but instead i found a post from a lady that the doctors suspected ms and she also has it, does anybody know what this could be it just does it on its own without me swallowing it almost feels like something is wriggling in my ear a sort of vibrating popping , and its really really worrying me now i feel sick with worry :-(

02-05-10, 16:24
Rebecca, probably a sinus-type thing. Might help to dissolve menthol crystals or Vicks in a bowl of boiling water, put a towel over your head and inhale. x

02-05-10, 17:16
i doubt if this is ms ,, you sound like you have an ear infection,, or like jane says it cpuld be sinus,,one thing try not to google the worst t5hing people with our problems should do,hope it goes soon dont worry:)

sarah jayne
02-05-10, 17:21
i thinks its something to do with ur sinuses or an ear infection. If its no better in a couple of days and your still feeling really anxious why not go to the docs if only for reassurance, at least then you wont be anxious.
Sarah xxx

02-05-10, 17:46
Give nhsdirect http://www.nhsdirect.nhs.uk/ a ring on 0845 4647. We really should have this on a list of points of contact somewhere.

02-05-10, 20:10
I have had this on and off for over 20 yrs and with me it is not a sign of infection in sinus or ears - sometimes I will get a repeat popping sound in left ear that goes on until I press finger in ear and its actually your ear drum twitching I was told and same as all the other twitches we get in muscles its anxeity. Other times I find that everytime I burp:blush: or run down stairs my ear pops just once and this is due to unequal air pressure in ears probably due to a slightly blocked eustracian tube to one ear but it always goes away in a week or so as does the other one.

As in any twitches anywhere on body yes it can with other associated symptoms be a sign of something like ms as with the lady you read about on google BUT 99.99% of the time its just a sign of anxiety - my thigh muscle can twitch all day for weeks on end and has done for 18 yrs I can remember and I don't hve ms or any other neuro disorder.

If you have hearing loss or pain with it then certainly see your Gp to rule out infection but wait and see and no need to panic its a very very common symptom in those of us who are a little anxious!!!!!!!

04-05-10, 09:14
thanks everyone for taking the time to reply, things seem a little better now thanks again xxxxx