View Full Version : I'm so scared I'm going to die

02-05-10, 17:25
At the moment I am so sure I am going to die of something. I haven't been diagnosed with anxiety but I'm pretty sure I have it. I have most of the symptoms of it expect sleep disturbance. My life has been pretty stressful and lots of bad things have happened when I was young so I have a good reason of getting anxiety. I think it started around a month ago which was a very stressful time in my life. I haven't really felt well since then. I'm 14 and really don't want to talk to my parents about this (We don't have a very close relationship) And I am really good at hiding my feelings so I don't think they will notice.

I have back pain, but not all the time only usually when I sit in a certain way and it's better when I lie down. I down think it's muscle pain because I've done nothing to damage it and I've had it about 1 or 2 weeks. It feels worse when I think about it. I've read it can be a symptom of kidney disease or kidney problems. I am so freaked out because a few weeks ago I had lower abdominal pain. I thought it was IBS.

Apart from a few short headaches, muscle twitches and occasional stomach cramps that's all that's is wrong, but those I only get those symptoms when I'm worrying, especially getting a numb feeling in my arms and my hands getting cold and my face getting warm. So I don't know if they are relevant. Also when I worry my heart feels as if it's beating faster and I'm worried this could one day cause a heart attack.

I read somewhere all of these can be caused by anxiety. Is this true? If so how can I stop it? Do I have a really serious illness? Any little twitch or pain in my body gets me worrying. I'm so scared. Please help..

margaret jones
02-05-10, 17:29
Hi and Welcome to NMP you will find lots of help and information on this site . Have you spoken to anyone about how you feel ?? if not i am sure it would help to confide in someone close to you .

Take Care Maggie

02-05-10, 17:30
I haven't spoken to anyone. I really want to but I don't really have anyone I feel close enough to talk to it about. I have lots of friends but we don't really talk about feelings or if we do we joke about it in a fun way.

02-05-10, 17:32
hello you sound very worried ,, yes it sounds like anxiety ,but its best to have a word with your docter,, what you tell him will be privete so dont worry there not allowed to divulge your records about your health ,, also he will be able to help you with anxiety,,, dont feel alone with it everyone on here understand

02-05-10, 17:36
I would love to go and see my doctor, but I don't go out much because I live 30 minutes away from my friends using the car. So if I did go to see my doctor I would have to tell my parents about it and they would want to go with me and I know I couldn't open up to the doctor with them there.

02-05-10, 17:51
havent you a friend who can take you

02-05-10, 18:32
I'm going to ask them on Monday. Thanks for the idea, I think I can get one of them to go with me. :)

02-05-10, 18:49
Does anyone know how I could begin asking people about this? I don't really want to go up to someone and say 'I think I have anxiety, help?' My dads a physcologist if that helps.

margaret jones
02-05-10, 18:51
Thats good first step is always the worst be brave and ask them to support you .

Take Care Maggie:hugs:a little hug for you xx

02-05-10, 18:54
whycant you dicuss with your dad ,,do you think he wont understand .. he is your dad i am sure he would want you to talk to him you could try ,, if not ,, you could ring nhs direct and explain the sittuation they have trained staff ,who will point you in right direction , and its privete .dont suffer in silence

02-05-10, 19:41
Thanks for the help. I am going to try to talk to someone about it. Actually talking to you guys about it has helped, I feel a lot better now. Thanks :)