View Full Version : just curious

02-05-10, 20:00
hi i feel like i cant breath or catch my breath but my heart rate is normal when i feel this also it makes me have a coughing fit is it anxiety as my heart rate dosent go fast it just stays normal

02-05-10, 22:43
It doesnt sound like anxiety if yu have no other symtoms but it could be because you have become aware of your breathing.
I do it as well, as breathing is a natural response we dont even think about it and if we do it seems strange, sometimes I think "oh god im not getting enough breath, my lungs cant open fully" etc etc
I can only advise what I do myself and this is distraction.
You will find that once you forget about it, you wont notice it and if you do then maybe you have a chest infection or something and a quick check with the docs might do the trick.
Good luck :)

02-05-10, 22:56
i did have chest infection on my last dose now of finishing i feel better its just i think i got anxiety from the breathing cant catch my breath

02-05-10, 23:18
also, if you have too much oxygen in your system which happens during anxiety, it can actually have the opposite effect and make u feel breathless

02-05-10, 23:23
i have given up smoking 2 weeks today so dont know if its related

03-05-10, 00:11
Well done!!
I gave up smoking 267 days ago and you know what, my breathing seems worse now!
The nurse told me the increased oxygen levels can feel strange for a while, not sure if it is that but it honestly doesnt sound too worrying.
I know thats easy for me to say as im not the one experiencing it but I try and tell myself, if ive been feeling a certain way for a while and im not collapsed or dead(!) then its probably not serious and a quick visit to the GP should put your mind at rest

03-05-10, 00:12
The coughing fits are almost definately giving up smoking, it happens to nearly everyone and is just your lungs cleaning themselves out, the fact they are doing this proves they are working well :)

03-05-10, 00:21
i find my breathing worse aswell while not smoking lol so the gasping for breath is normal is it

03-05-10, 00:25
It seems to be yeah! I seriously cant walk up the stairs without gasping for air! and ive been give up for 9 months! I hear it takes up to 3 years before your breathing is healthy again :(

03-05-10, 00:27
thats the same as me when i go up the stairs but i think imake it worse as i worry about it

03-05-10, 00:38
Well if it makes you feel any better I got outta breath talking on the phone earlier lol
If you go to the GP they can do a lung funtion test every 3 months then you can physically see the improvement even if you dont feel it.

03-05-10, 00:40
can they do that at the drs as i might just ask them that

03-05-10, 00:47
Yeah they can do it, especially if you have a quit smoking nurse in your surgery? Here we have like a course thing you join at the surgery and the lung funtion tests are part of it, worth enquiring about eh?

03-05-10, 00:49
thats a brilliant idea :)