View Full Version : More palps when panicking?

02-05-10, 20:05
Hey all,

I haven't been here in quite some time and have been doing really well! Alas, but I am experiencing a small blip, but it's okay I just want to get over it. I notice the more I have a slight panic, the more likely I am to have palps. Does anyone else get this? This is half of what is making me lose it anyway, expecting that *THUD* or that pinchy thud feeling. I hate the sharp shooty types. The worse my heart rate gets, the more likely I am to have them. I get this horrible thought of my heart going bonkers, flipping and flopping and throwing a tantrum, and I'm thinking about that so much it makes me worse. >__< I'm like, "Excuse me brain, can you not think about that please?" But of course it doesn't listen. XD It's making me really nervous...I'm also getting nervous about my heart rate. Which is silly because I've exercised a bit in this last week (yesterday even) and some days I'm perfectly okay with it, and some days I can't take it. -__-

And what's funny is that I only feel anxious and panicky after I eat. So I know the palps are probably from my stomach irritating the vagus nerve or whatever it's called. >__<

I know that this will ALL stop once I'm truly not afraid of my heart. But as much as I tell myself my heart is okay and these are all normal adrenaline and panic reactions, my mind is like..."Yeah, but what if?" It really is easier some days than others.

03-05-10, 00:16
Hello Gryphoenix (like your profile pic by the way)
YOU ARE DEFINATELY NOT ALONE ON THIS SITUATION. A few years ago, and everyonce awhile in the present, I was paralyzed in my own fear of how I thought I was going to have a heart attack. In class, the worst place to be during this, I would concentrate on my heart rate to make sure it didn't stop (the thought process of someone with irrational anxiety) and I would have scary palps. I would practically just throw myself into them by constantly thinking of it happening. One day I can remember I made my heart pause..no one believes me when I say that but I felt it. As an answer to your question of how to solve this rut is to let your body be. Let it work on its own. Do not think about it..just let everything be. Do not be afraid of your heart..it's part of you..you cannot control it. I hope I helped! Everything will sort itself out!

Going home
03-05-10, 02:09
Hi there. I would say your heart is doing what its supposed to do when you're panicking...it will beat faster. Your heart thinks you need to get away quickly from whatever is threatening you so its providing you with the extra energy needed. If you really were running away then you'd use up all of that extra energy and wouldn't notice the effects, but since you're not running away, your system is trying to cope with all that extra adrenaline produced at these times of panic.

So yes, you would definately get extra palps when panicking, as well as any flutters and missed beats, breathlessness etc. Its extremely uncomfortable but not life-threatening, so please try not to worry and try to accept that you have a good heart that is only responding the way it should be. Getting palps after eating is really common too, and i'm guessing its the palps you feel before you panic? you're right about the vagus nerve, its very sensitive in some people and can easily be irritated by the stomach and this can cause irregular heart beats or a racing heart.

Anna xx