View Full Version : Was this a panic attack?

02-05-10, 20:22
Hi everyone,
About a year ago I was sitting in Geography and I had just had my HPV injection. I was fine about it, I wasn't nervous at all (I didn't have CAD then) But then one of the girls ran out of the class because she was feeling ill because of the injection. Then I began freaking out I was worried it would happen to me. Then another girl ran out (To help the other girl I found out later - not because she was ill, which I thought she was at the time)

That's when it happened. I felt my all the blood drain from my face, I started breathing slower and my heart rate increased. Also I could 'hear' my body not what was going on around me, like if you stick your fingers in your ears. That's what scared me most. I couldn't concentrate or write because my hands were shaking to much. I also felt really hot and ill. I was going to tell someone but I started concentrating on my breathing and it went away after a minute. After this I still felt really hot and my friends said I was really white.

I was going to go and ask the nurse who did it what it was but she had left. I felt better when I got home so I never mentioned it. The 3 other injections I had were fine, so I don't think it was a side affect.

Nothing like this has ever happened to me before. Was is a panic attack? I've been wondering about this for a while. Thanks for any responses. :)

02-05-10, 21:55
Most likely. You see if you didn't see the other girls leave the room, what you felt probably wouldn't have happened. It was your thought process and your brain sensing a possible threat and putting you in fight or flight mode. What you felt was an adrenaline release.

02-05-10, 22:42
I would say so, almost definitely !

03-05-10, 08:09
Yes that sounds like a panic attack to me.


03-05-10, 16:25
It does seem like one. It's great you came to the site to research it, there's loads of places on the net you can read up on your symptoms but it makes it more personal and reassuring when you have other people that have went through it as well x