View Full Version : Why do we with health anxiety always......

03-05-10, 04:50
Always think the worst thing poss? Like we have a head ache and its brain cancer or we have a lump and its a cancerous tumor? Its very frustrating to feel like this. Also do any of you think: now this time it is really something. I just feel so alone and I know im not because other ppl are suffering too but i literally dont feel safe unless Im at the drs and get things checked out. Than im ok for a week and than the cycle returns. I have been at the drs 5 times in the last 3 months. I want to have a lump on my thigh looked at again but im afraid the dr will think im crazy...dont know what to do just so sad, afraid, and lonely.

03-05-10, 08:45
you are absolutely right. if the other times, nothing happened then that meant it was not a tumour or heart problem but what if it is this time. it's always what if. i cannot handle feeling this way all the time. i also feel all alone and miserable and nobody i know (in person) understands what it's like and they must think I'm crazy along with my GP. every time i feel sick it's like the world is going to end and I won't make it past the day and that is such a horrfying sad and depressing way to live.
If you're afraid of something, it's best to put your mind at ease by seeing the GP but if it's something very common with no other symptoms like a tension headache that's bearable then keep telling yourself it's something you've had before and it's nothing. I know I'm contradicting what i said earlier but that is all can do for myself too, just keep telling myself it's something i always have and nothing had happened so it's nothing serious. i don't know what else to do. i don't take any meds cause i'm afraid of side effect and meds. i hope you feel better hun... try taking your mind of things, be around family and friends... hugs...

03-05-10, 10:20
I'd disagree with advice of going to your GP to put your mind at ease. It's a safety behaviour that is self sustaining. Each time you entire the cycle your strengthening the addiction so to speak. Try and break the cycle, next time you feel the need approach it in a different way; maybe discuss it with a friend or online, or take a friend with you to the GP not for moral support but to change the behaviour.