View Full Version : slipping

03-05-10, 08:18
I have not been on here for a while.i have been trying to deal with 'things' myself and have been doing ok. i am taking st johns wort and a probiotic with vitamins from Boots.
I feel as if i am slipping back to 'darkness' again. I had been on meds for over a year and the dr seemed content to just give them. telling me to up them if needed to. she has twice said she will sort CBT for me and when i went with my husband as i felt so bad, she said she would organise for me to see a pshyc. she never did anything!!! i felt that i was just a nuinsance. i called MIND who gave me 6 councilling sessions. in the mean time my son had been very unwell, so was constantly backwards and forwards to doc. (his white blood count was v low but now looking gd) in Dec my father died suddenly in spain of a brain tumour. ( no funeral plan in spain means a quick cremmation) so i do not feel like i have grieved at all. my sister went skiing and left me to look after my mum for 1 wk, 2 wks after the death( my mum has severe arthritis and i have stairs). my brother was no help.my poor husband and boys have had to listen to me screaming, crying, being totally unstable!! one night i was so bad i harmed myself without realising. i was so ashamed!! i have tried so hard since then to pull myself around. making sure i go out(instead of hiding away, i try to go for walks with my neighbour). trying not to snap at the family. i am having my bathroom refurb. that is not going so well. I feel as if i am going to 'explode' because i just bury/hide everything. in a house of men, there seems to be no point in showing how i feel.

03-05-10, 20:46
Hello Muppet,
No wonder you feel so bad with all that has been going on in your life! I'm so sorry you are having such a hard time. Even someone who doesn't suffer from anxiety would be struggling after going through all that.
Is there any chance of you going to visit another doctor to see if they can help you? I know there are free CBT courses you can do online and also I have found the "No panic" helpline very useful when I have needed to talk to someone. I have also done a one to one mentoring course with them and a group recovery course (14 weeks). All this is done over the phone. It costs about £12 a year to become a member.
"First steps to freedom" is another good group who have a helpline and send out a very good book if you join. They also do mentoring and recovery groups. I can give you the phone numbers if you are interested. Just an idea.
I sympathise with your not being able to talk to the men inyour house. I too only have my husband and son living with me. They don't do "talking" do they?!
I hope you feel better soon. There's always someone here to listen to you.
Take care. Judy.x:hugs: