View Full Version : I'm Jade

03-05-10, 16:10
Hi there, I'm Jade. I'm 19 and I suffer from panic attacks. I'm stuck here in my pyjamas, 4pm at noon on Mayday with nothing to do. I'm fresh from having a panic attack, thinking about if I hadn't of dropped out of college I would have been graduated by now. It made me hyperventilate, about how much of a failure I am. I took control and took deep breathes. My chest is aching from my heart beating so hard, I feel sort of out of breath, my head is thumping. I know the right thing to do is to is to get outside and do something because it's not right to draw your life to a halt over a panic attack. Noone has replied to my messages, so in the mean time I went online to see if there's a community I can join with other people that understand. My panic attacks have came from my depression, which I've had for a year now. I don't get them much. I never did until the last couple of months, they're very unpleasant. I'm going to counselling, so I thought I could come here and meet people with a similar story and feel like I'm not alone.

03-05-10, 16:11
Hi sapphire109

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

03-05-10, 17:08
hi jade..welcome sorry to hear of your depression..i too suffer...as do many of us here.it helps me to share experiences with others..to know im not alone.im sure you will enjoy the chat room.x

03-05-10, 17:33
Hi Jade,

Sorry to hear you are having such a hard time at the moment hun. You have joined the right place, here you will find friends who help and support you, and totally understand what you are going through having been or going through it themselves.

Hope the site helps and you feel better soon
Take care

03-05-10, 19:48
Hello and welcome to NMP :) I hope you find the support you need and don't be afraid to get stuck in, I hope you feel better after your panic attack earlier


03-05-10, 19:49
don't worry too much we are all in the same boat here try the chatroom and talk to people in a similar situation as you. Hope you feel better soon ' easier said than done I know but ther are thousands of people like you on this site,it's helped me alot
take care
Linda x

03-05-10, 19:59
hi jade
im sorry to hear your having panic attacks etc they are not nice to go through my advice is to read up on them and get as much info as poss it helped me loads and i took advice of people on here take care mate


03-05-10, 20:01
I can second what Melvin has said, do lots of research and find out things, you need to know what you're going through and that way you'll be able to recognize feelings should you have them, and like Linda said, we are all the same and there are loads of us here!!!


margaret jones
03-05-10, 21:02
Welcome to this great site hope you find lots of advice and help here like i have

Take Care Maggie

03-05-10, 21:58
Hello Jade

Veronica H
04-05-10, 09:35
