View Full Version : Guilt Ridden! - effing ROCD! Help?

03-05-10, 16:12
Hope you guys are well.

Ok, so last night I was out and drinking (quite a bit as it was Bank Holiday) and saw a friend of mine who I haven't seen for a while and he was telling me about him and his fiance splitting up and her taking their kid away with her etc etc and how upsetting it is. So I was with him for hours really!
Anyway, we first met like 3 years ago, just before my Bf and I got together, but we kinda had a flirty texty thing happening which we were jokingly discussing. So, for some stupid reason, I asked the Q, "So would you have really "you know" back then?", to which he replied "Yeah but then you got with your bf so that put an end to that!" At which i felt shall we say a twinge "down there" especially when he asked if I would have slept with him back then too, which I would have so I said yes. (Don't know if it was a horny type twinge or a flutter at the thought of someone actually fancying me but obvo obsessing over it now)
I wouldn't sleep with him now obviously because I have a bf who I love
and I couldn't do that to him, but now I am freaking out and feeling stupidly guilty about what I said and how I felt. Even more so as I was actually having loads of fun with this guy.
I only really asked because I always think I looked a mess/was fat/ugly especially back when we first met so was just interested to see if he WOULD have gone home with me given the chance.
I think it was a kind of self esteem boost but now I feel really guilty and all these thoughts are going through my head telling me that I wanted to cheat on my bf, that I really fancy this guy, that he turns me on and my bf doesn't and that if my bf ever found out what I said he'd be devastated.
If I found out he'd said that to another girl I'd be pretty upset, so now I feel awful. I really don't want to hurt my bf and I'm terrified of losing him.
I don't even fancy this guy and I know he is still totally in love with his fiance.
I have always had this massive fear that I would cheat on my bf, nightmares about it, false memories of cheating, the urge to confess to him, the feeling of being a complete slut.
Do you think this is ROCD?? Or am I being slutty?? Bluuuurgh feeling horribly guilty right now.

03-05-10, 16:26

I am so sorry that you are worrying so much. I know how it is, I get so scared that I am some kind evil and want to hurt people sexually. This scares me so much so I know how bad you are feeling. Firstly try not to worry, the feeling down there is horrible when its aimed at the wrong person, I KNOW! This could have been for many reason,firstly because of the nature of the conversation, secondly because sadly if you knew or thought to yourself that no you should not feel that way and concerntrate on that particular part then you will feel something!

On to the next part, you were just telling the truth about back then. I have had the same conversation with someone I used to text and see. He has a girlfriend at the time, I didn't have anyone. Its a normal conversation, usually as a esteem booster. Do not worry obsessively, I know thats hard but you haven't done anything wrong. It does sound a bit like rocd. Have you ever had any other obsessive thoughts?

Take care xxx

03-05-10, 17:46
thanks for your reply.

Yes, ive suffered with all sorts of anxiety issues, panic attacks, Pure O, Health Ocd etc etc etc but you know what its like, the OCD makes you doubt that your thoughts are OCD thoughts at all and make you think they are your own!

03-05-10, 17:50

Well then yes seeing as though you have had these type of thoughts before I would definately say yes it is rocd. Sadly ocd really effects life and can get at you in different ways. Yes I have a problem with my thoughts as many do in thinking that it is me and that it is my way of telling myself that I am evil. Its awful but please calm yourself and realise that you love you boyfriend as you said, that you wouldn't cheat on him. Remember that you haven't done anything wrong!
