View Full Version : Women issues...I hate this!!

03-05-10, 16:21
Anyone else going through perimenopause or menopause? I feel like my hormones are all over the place – not to mention my periods. Hot flashes and my anxiety is through the roof!! There has to be other women out there going through this – and I am only 42 and I have a feeling I have a long way to go!!:mad:

margaret jones
03-05-10, 16:59
Poor yu been there done that horrid
My advise is go to DR and get tested to make sure you are menapausel if so take the hormone treatment if they offer it ,and you will soon feel better

Take Care Maggie

03-05-10, 17:18
Going through the same thing am 55 brought off HRT 5/6 years ago due 2 breast cancer scares reported in the papers at the time no weaning off just go away thats when my probs started anxiety, panic attacks, sweats,severe IBS have been on various ADs no use at all. Fine while on HRT have now booked an appointment 4 Meno clinic gone over the GPs head sick of feeling this way and want my life back i feel its my choice as to whether i am on them or not know the risks and side effects but all medication has side effects

03-05-10, 17:44
hi barbn im 43 and having night sweats day sweats i can have 35 day cycles then down to 19 days im over anxious all the time i no exactly how you feel im having the mirena coil fitted next week to sort my erratic periods out and it can take you right through the menapause

margaret jones
03-05-10, 18:05
3 Cheers For The Mirena Coil xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx it is great my daughter has it fab she says xxx

04-05-10, 16:29
THANK YOU!!! I am so glad I am not alone - I can't believe how my anxiety (especially my HA) has really gone crazy! I know it is because of the hormones! And I am not even going to get into my periods (YUCK!!)...they are all over the place. I know there is nothing seriously wrong (like that stops me from worrying) as I had all the tests (Ultra sound, bio etc...) - I am scheduled to see the Dr. in June for a medication recheck...I am going to chat with her about all the changes I am going through.....Yeah, lets hear it for being a women!!!

04-05-10, 16:36
Ain't we lucky!! Been menopausal for over 10 years now!! Still get the hot flushes, but not as much. I always say I have my own built-in central heating, never feel the cold :-)

I have suffered with anxiety/panic for a long time but it came to a head late last year and am on citalopram for it, feel much better but still have menopausal symptoms. Oh it is so luverly being a woman!!!!

All the best to you

Jannie x x

04-05-10, 16:39
Im 43 and Im sure I have hormone problems,Dr did a test and said I was ok.But its a hard test to take as your hormones are different through the month.
Im hairy in places I dont want to be,I get spots at certain times of the month,sweat at night,moody,my boobs look and feel huge!!!!!:ohmy:
You are not alone Hun.xxxxxxxxxxxx

05-05-10, 14:24
Thank you - Thank you - Thank you!! :hugs: