View Full Version : Breathing again and swallowing

03-05-10, 18:29

I have had several replies from people understanding what I am going through with this breathing thing which is really helpful.

When I think about it, it doesn't seem like asthma which is what started the anxiety off in the first place!! Asthma tends to be worse at night and I am always fine then - sleep really well and wake up feeling fine (well, until I start checking my breathing again and then it all goes to pot!!). I don't wheeze (except if I have a chest infection) and I don't seem to have trouble breathing out as asthmatics do but more a problem with breathing in, in that I never feel that I have enough air in my lungs. My peak flows are also pretty static at 380/400 which is what it has been for the last 10 years or so with or without inhalers.

I do have Post Nasal Drip which causes me to constantly clear my throat and cough. At the moment, with the breathing anxiety, I feel like I have something stuck in my throat but I can breathe and swallow fine. I am at the edge all the time - so stressed and tense, I can't relax at all and I so want this to just go away bit I can't stop obsessing about it!! Help me please! I am really miserable!! :weep::weep:

crazy lady
04-05-10, 21:31

I have had several replies from people understanding what I am going through with this breathing thing which is really helpful.

When I think about it, it doesn't seem like asthma which is what started the anxiety off in the first place!! Asthma tends to be worse at night and I am always fine then - sleep really well and wake up feeling fine (well, until I start checking my breathing again and then it all goes to pot!!). I don't wheeze (except if I have a chest infection) and I don't seem to have trouble breathing out as asthmatics do but more a problem with breathing in, in that I never feel that I have enough air in my lungs. My peak flows are also pretty static at 380/400 which is what it has been for the last 10 years or so with or without inhalers.

I do have Post Nasal Drip which causes me to constantly clear my throat and cough. At the moment, with the breathing anxiety, I feel like I have something stuck in my throat but I can breathe and swallow fine. I am at the edge all the time - so stressed and tense, I can't relax at all and I so want this to just go away bit I can't stop obsessing about it!! Help me please! I am really miserable!! :weep::weep:
Hi Jo, I'm new today but I know what youmean with the swallowing, I do struggle on a day to day basis on swallowing and I think that my windpipe for some reason is in a funny position and that it seems like it is catching on my throat somehow and the more I think about it the more swallowing I do.....by the way what is a post nasal drip?