View Full Version : great spending my day worrying about MS AGAIN

03-05-10, 19:10
Really what is worng with me, my symptoms change from week to week or month to month but it is ALWAYS SOMETHING! I had a feel good days then my heel was tingling now it is my leg, i almost feel tingly everywhere. So me I go right to MS, as last month I had burning skin.
I have had an MRI actually 2 and been to my nuero fifty tiimes, i just can not convince my self and can not stop thinking about it.
should I keep a dairy so i can look back and see i have already exp'd these or how quickly they change. I am afraid to so that cause it will keep me focusing on the symptoms.

03-05-10, 19:38
Hi there and I'm sorry to hear that you have had a bad day. It's not been too bad for me today but I have experienced exactly the same as you in that I have had many symptoms that come and go but no sooner has one disappeared than another one comes in to replace it. My latest is shooting pains in the tips of my fingers and toes, they have only been coming infrequently but it's almost as if I'm so highly sensitized to any sort of sensation in my body I can feel it quite intensely and then I begin to worry and lose perspective and before I know it I've wasted another day, like you have today. Hope you have a better day tomorrow and the fact that we find ourselves on this site means that we know that the chances are our symptoms are related to our anxiety. xx

04-05-10, 18:17
This tingling is making me crazy today! Why does it always have to be something I still keep thinking ms.