View Full Version : im getin so worried now

minnie h
03-05-10, 20:00
for the past 6 days iv been quite breathless n for the last 2days my missed beats av been makin me a tiny bit breathles i dnt no if its just doin it coz iv been worried about my breathin.az my missed beats have neva made me breathles b4.so is it coz im worried about my breathin or iz it a serious heart problem.im so so scared. Haz anybody else been breathles afta missed beats? hope every1s ok hanna xxxx

03-05-10, 20:41
Hi Hanna. Yeah iv had this after eptopic beats.. I think its cause we are aware of it and it happens and we panic which changes our breathing pattern, even though you think you havent concentrated on it or waited for it to happen.. Sorry does this make sense?

minnie h
03-05-10, 21:12
hi sammie.yes it makes sense lol.its really hard 2 explain things sumtimes... Im just worried that my eptopics have turnd bad.is it ok 2 b a lil breathles afta them?

03-05-10, 21:26
Yeah id say so. I think its cause our body knows we have had an eptopic which makes our breathing pattern different, like i written before hun xxx