View Full Version : Why do i (need to) cough?! Anybody out there?

03-05-10, 23:00
I'm sorry for bringing this up again, but i just can't seem to understand and deal with this. If i do any kind of physical activity or just take a walk with the dogs, ho uphill, stairs etc, in 70% of the time, i get the "urge to cough" feeling, and tightness in the chest...sometimes little fluttery-uncomfortable feeling, that something's gonna happen. I have cheked my heart recently with Dr's and they said everything is ok. I do think i have a minor acid reflux problem thoug.

I was also sick 3 weeks ago, some kind of virus-cold. But i don't think this is still from that. Besides i've had this cough thing way before. I just can't stand it. What can i do to make it go away?

I've also read that it happens when people get palpitations... but recently i haven'nt noticed abnormal heartbeat when i cough, just very unpleasant-uncomfortable feeling. My GP doesn't seem to think anything about it, i've mentioned it several times but it don't get any answers.

ps. sometimes i get this tingly feeling and i make myself caugh, the other times i cough unwantingly. One day i ate something, and went to do some repair work soon after, and every time i tried to bend over or look down i coughed. Ugh!

OK, i stop now... i think i could go on with this forever. I feel like it's the ONE thing that keeps me from getting better and well from anxiety.

04-05-10, 00:15
Well, based upon your description I'm going to opine here that the cough is subsequent to the chronic minor reflux. Bronchial asthma and post-nasal drip are the only forerunners to the most common cause of unexplained persistent cough.

GI reflux can produce inflammation that alters the influence of C-fibre receptors which are designed to inhibit the cough reflex. See or speak to your primary care doctor or specialist about a trial prescription for a proton pump inhibitor such as Prilosec or Nexium, alternatively available over the counter in sufficient strength to control mild reflux. It's very important to follow directions when taking these drugs since they must be taken approximately 30 to 40 minutes prior to ingesting food and never afterward. Eat small meals more often throughout the day and elevate the head section of your bed rather than use pillows which actually creates the opposite of the desired effect. Do not eat any sooner than 2 hours before bed and do not eat in bed at all. Reduce beverages like coffee and tea which can increase gastrointestinal distress.

Once you decrease the presence of the reflux, if the cough persists, seek evaluation for bronchitis or post-nasal drip. This type of presentation is quite common and it's highly doubtful that it's anything to become overly concerned about, other than the frustration it generates.

Best regards,

Rutheford Rane, MD (ret.)

Going home
04-05-10, 00:21
Do you smoke? and by that I mean anything, whether cigarettes, cigars, a pipe or cannibis....any kind of smoke inhalation can also give you a cough when walking or climbing stairs etc.

04-05-10, 09:26
I took one month some kind of stomach acid reducer pill... but still get the coughs during that time. But it's not like i cough all the time, so i guess dr's have hard time to figure it out.
I do not smoke or drink coffe nor do i drink alcohol.

I'm especially worried about cough when it comes while exercising or doing whatever physical activity. It has few times started very fast palpitation and it's scary.

04-05-10, 17:44
hi jnuz, just thought i would say hi and support you. i too have an unexplained cough that the doctors do not seem to be able to get to the bottom of - it has been going on for 6 months now. It is very upsetting and i am very anxious about it... it too is what stops me getting over my anxiety.

just wanted to say i know how you feel.

04-05-10, 17:57

Im having the EXACT same problem! not so much the cough, but the palps and then the feeling of breathlessness, then I have to cough. VERY scary, not sure what it is or why I have it, although I would bet its all due to anxuety and the more we focus on it the worse it gets. Its debilitating my life, I want to get out and do things and exercise but I cant, it sucks! Hope it passess for both of us soon, take care

06-05-10, 15:31
Thanks for writing :) It kinda always helps to know you're not alone.

It really the weirdest thing... if i was on Cipralex last year, i don't remember having it. But now i get it even if i walk a little. I also have this feeling that i need to push gently below my left ribs while getting this caugh urge..it kinda helps. But i think it's just compulsive behaviour, wich is ...bad i guess :) I used to go swimming few months ago, when i didn't have them as often but now i'm even scared to do that because of some cold i've had a pause in my training over a month now.

06-05-10, 21:41
Weird because I've had this same feeling all day today!

I've had it before but that was over a year ago and it just got better on it's own.

For me it's a tickly sensation in my lower chest which is sort of related to my breathing coz it's worse when I breathe out. This tickly sensation makes me want to cough to get rid of it, but frustratingly the cough doesn't work!

I am slightly worried that the tickly feeling is an irregular heart rhythm, but when I take my pulse it doesn't feel irregular.

I think it could be some kind of vagus nerve irritation maybe caused by reflux?

Funny you mentioned the virus because I've just had a cold which didn't spread to my chest (my colds usually do) - maybe the virus has spread to my chest and this is the first symptom?

07-05-10, 22:43
I decided to go to swim yesterday and besides few urges to cough i swam 1 km in a row:)) yee! I was pretty happy about it.
Today it has been the opposite, have coughed a l
ot and at one time i was pretty sure i'm about to get palpitations, luckyly i didn't. But my chest feels sore from coughing.

gina p
08-05-10, 10:51
I had the very same a few months back and it was post nasal drip . Got a nasal spray which stopped it .

08-05-10, 10:57
My husband drives me crazy with his cough. Hes had every test imaginable so it turns out to be his reflux. :)