View Full Version : Fear of being calm

27-01-06, 14:43
Hi all

Can someone shed some light on this and reassure me that I am OK.

I have had GAD, Panic attacks for over 8 years and even before that was always in a constant state of high anxiety. I have been slowly progressing and I am generally able to cope a lot better now. A few weeks ago I started using EFT and had a few hypnosis sessions and I have felt a strange calmness. There is no adrenalin pumping through my body and I dont seem to have the constant thoughts surging through my head - but it feels so weird. Can you ever been too calm? I know that sounds strange but it scares me. I take beta blockers and usually when I took them I felt ready for them because I was anxious but now I feel calm and I take them I worry that they will make me too calm and I start to panic! I have lived with anxiety for so long that when it is not there I do not know how to cope with it.

Please if someone can relate to this I would appreciate a reply.

Thank you
Darkangel x

........life is for living not just for surviving

27-01-06, 14:57
Hi there,

I think that when we are so used to feeling anxious it then becomes normal for us, so to feel calm is a whole new sensation that feels odd. If you haven't felt really calm for years it will be a whole new feeling and may take some getting used to. I am always aware of my heart beat but a few months ago I suddenly wasn't aware of it (am again now lol), it scared me because I then thought it had stopped as I couldn't feel it.
In reality I had just relaxed but it did scare me.
Try and embrace the new feelings of calm, it's great, you can't be too relaxed, you've done so well so try and congratulate yourself :)
You may want to discuss coming off the betablockers with your gp if you no longer need them.
Good luck,


29-01-06, 13:57
Its fantastic that you are now calm although I do agree it is a very strange feeling after such a long period of time on red alert with constant stress hormones surging.

I agree with Lisa, maybe it time to look at stopping the betablockers.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

29-01-06, 14:49
It is probably because you are not used to feeling like that so try to enjoy it and see it as a good thing and not a problem.
