View Full Version : Can anyone help me maybe.......Please?

04-05-10, 09:25
Hi there I am really suffering lately Im so fed up of crying and being convinced that im dying of various things.
Firstly im a 35 year old mom of 2 and im convinced i wont see them grow up.
it started with me having sore heavy breasts all month long then when my period came theyd be ok then it would start again, so I plucked up the courage to go Docs and she had a good feel etc and told me to get water tablets, which i did and it took ages so during this time i started to doubt the doc and i started getting chest pains too and it all went left sided then. Anyway Im rambling so sorry.....but since then:
1. pain behind knee which i felt i was dying from a blood clot....doc said its sciatic pain
2. tenderness in front of neck which OBVIOUSLY was my lymph nodes swelling up due to lymphoma which then, as soon as that thought had planted itself, i started having sweats at night and the itches and i had to keep feeling all my other nodes in turn making them sore:doh:
3. then A LUMP (yes a lump, joy of joys) appeared on my top gum just above my front top tooth, panicpanicpanicpanic must be cancer!!!!! so after stressing for a week i visited dentist and he said doesnt know what it is but nothing to worry about. ......ok......until later that day when i realised that the dentist obviously doesnt know what hes doing so panic some more.....went docs and told her of my lymphoma/gum lump fears and she told me im working myself up into a state and "go and calm down":scared15:

So i went and got 2nd dental opinion......nothing to worry about...looks fine....went back to docs to see if he could help with anxiety.......he told me to try meditation or breathing exersises....how.....help......
OMG and now my lips feel like they are burning and im scared that there must be something wrong with my mouth that is making it eat me from the inside out (sounds incredibly stupid out loud....perfectly rational in my head though) i dont know what to do..........i feel like im in a huge lake and i cant get to the egde i can tread water for short periods but then i start drowning again and im pulling others with me.......im so tired of crying all the time
im having bloods taken on thursday too......
im so very sorry for the long post i just wanted to get it all out to somebody who maybe had same problems or understood etc. i hope somebody will take the time to answer me as im am drowning again....fast.:sad:

04-05-10, 10:49
omg this could have been me writing this apart from im terrified of ms/als or anything neurological, i to have visited the doctors many many times and im now sure when i walk in he roles his eyes and thinks oh no what now :-(. You sort of get a hit from the doctor telling you your fine, you walk out happy telling yourself how stupid you were and that your not gonna let yourself get into that state again, until a few days later when the doubt creeps in and you remember something else that you didnt tell/show them and now that means they have missed something. Its a vicous cycle but you have to remember your doctor trained for many many years and knows all the signs of most diseases, i can easily say this to you lol but of course never take my own advice my hubbie, and mom and dad have been at their wits end with me. I eventually agreed to go on anti depressants and yes they do help i still freak out at some symptoms but they seem to be less severe and less frequent. I hope this helps you are not alone have a search through some of the posts im sure you will find many many people with the same symptoms as yourself xxx

04-05-10, 11:00
Wow Phatgal
I am sorry you are so stressed but in a way your post reassures me because I am EXACTLY like you!!!! I am 34 with 2 children. My probs started 2 years ago with as breast lump that turned out to be benign. My son was then only 6 months. Since then I have had the most terrible anxiety. My latest fear comes from the pain I have in the left side of my neck. Been so sore since december. Then HORRORS!!!! I have founf lump in my neck - arghhhhh. Want to see doc but feel bad coz only went last week to get breasts my health.
The doc cannot afford to make wrong diagnosis and you must trust that their opinions are correct. It is classic health anxiety to doubt them.
Health anxiety is so horrid. I am having a very bad spell at the mo. I need to motivate myself and play with the kids in the lovely sun - then I will feel better. Take care and try to distract yourself. xxxx

04-05-10, 13:35
Omg thankyou all so much for replying it helps alot to know it's not just me, the constant need of reassurance I think is driving my family mad as they don't really know where I'm coming from as much as they try to help. X

04-05-10, 14:39
I can understand what you are going through completely.
I constantly worry that I wont be around for my kids and this in itelf is usually enough to bring me to tears and set me off on some sort of panic/anxiety attack.

I really have no answers on how to overcome this - I am still trying to figure it out myself but I just wanted to let you know you're not on your own and if you ever want to pm me for a chat feel free to ((((((hugs))))))

04-05-10, 17:07
Thanks I might just take you up on the offer :D