View Full Version : Huge asthma phobia - please help!! Can't stop crying!

04-05-10, 10:47
I am getting myself in a right state about asthma.

In the past, I have had wheezing and tight chest if I get a chest infection which is relieved with inhalers. I only take inhalers during this time and have had to use them half a dozen times over a short period of time during the last 10 years.

I have had no actual tests for asthma. I haven't had many episodes but my peak flow has always been around 350/400 and still is.

I have this block about being diagnosed as asthmatic and refuse to believe that I have it. However, since having a chest infection about 6 weeks ago, I have been suffering. I stopped taking the inhalers a couple of weeks ago. My peak flow has remained the same but I feel constantly breathless and tight chested with a cough and constantly clearing my throat due to post nasal drip.

I got myself in a right state after dropping the kids to school this morning and took ventolin which helped. My friend died from asthma last year and I am terrified of having this so I am sort of trying to fight against it. I am so anxious that i don't know what is hyperventilation or asthma and I am so scared. If I go to the doctors, they just get cross and tell me to take the inhalers and I feel like no-one is listening to me.

My 2 year old is just watching the tv and I am just sitting in the kitchen crying!!

04-05-10, 12:04
Someone please reply. In such a state!!

04-05-10, 14:02
Hi Jo

I'm sorry you have got yourself so worked up..that will probably make your breathing feel laboured although I know you can't help it!

Why is it you are so terrified of a diagnosis of asthma? I honestly think it would be best for you to be tested, at least then you will know for sure and can take things from there.

Which inhalers do you have, just the Ventolin?

04-05-10, 17:44
Tell you what, see even if you don't have Asthma, and have breathing problems, an inhaler will sort you right out.

I use one whenever I get panicky and when I get like that I get severely bad breathless stages, I use the inhaler and it sorts me out.

Okay it's a pain washing my mouth and tongue thoroughly after it but it's a small price to pay to make sure I'm ok !