View Full Version : Panic attacks and my upcoming holiday

04-05-10, 11:08

I know everyones Panic Attacks and Triggers are different but I am hoping someone can relate and offer advice to my situation.

As I have previously mentioned, my Mum died at the end of last year and since then I have been pretty much affected every day by anxiety, stress or panic in one way shape or form.

I am going on holiday in 2 weeks and I'm starting to get anxious about that (although believe me I need a holiday lol).

My Anxiety which often leads to full on panic attacks is in itself my worry.

When I get anxious as I have done in Supermarkets etc, I feel as if the environment I am in is overawing and that I may fall over. My Heart then starts missing beats and pounding making me feel weak and shaky. This is making me worried for check in at the airport especially as anyone acting like that at an airport is likely to be viewed suspiciously.

I bought some Kalms the other day but not so sure they are going to help me as I have not noticed any difference.

Can anyone relate or advise?


04-05-10, 13:02

I get those symptoms too... as well as many others!

Try not to worry too much about the airport.... they are all used to nervous flyers, i am always shaking, nervous, anxious etc when going through the airport... and one time even refused to let them take my water bottle off me during security (as its my security blanket!) and they didnt question anything, i just explained i was a very nervous flyer!

Try and enjoy your holiday - sounds like u need a good time and time to relax!


04-05-10, 13:09
Thanks for that. Glad you can relate and yes you are right, I am overdue a break away!

04-05-10, 13:33
First off well done for working through your anxiety and still gong on holiday, many of us, including myself won't go anymore :-(

Usually I find rescue remedy really good for calming down my anxiety levels and as the previous poster said try and remember in this day and age we are all scared of flying!

You will find once you are over the initial panic/anxiety you WILL enjoy your holiday and wonder why on earth you were so anxious beforehand,

Enjoy yourself.


04-05-10, 14:16

I'm another one! I only get panic attacks when I have a holiday coming up. Last year I went to Majorca and when I checked in, I actually asked if any of their planes hadn't landed safely:blush: my son was horrified!

I'm due to go away again in July and I've had to go back on Citalopram already.....I just know when I get there I'll enjoy it and know that when I'm due to come back it may start again but I aim to enjoy the days in between!

I really don't want these panic attacks to stop me from going on holiday as I work full time and I think everyone deserves a holiday.

I hope everything goes well for you. A pilot once said, on the way to America that we may experience turbulance but he followed it by saying not to worry as this plane is immensley strong and if it went a little turbulant, I said over and over to myself in my head "this plane is immensley strong" and it really helped.

Easy said but try and relax and hopefully you will have a good holiday.
